DD form 1348, Standard Form 44, and an
identiplate (DD 1896 or 1897) are all issued as
part of what package?
What level of maintenance orders the greater
volume of parts?
The Individual Component Repair List (ICRL) is
used by what work center to determine the repair
capability of a component received by supply?
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Define the purpose
of an Aviation Support Division/Supply
Support Center.
The ASD/SSC of a supply department is the point
of contact for maintenance activities requiring direct
support. To accomplish this task, the ASD/SSC has
two sectionsthe supply response section (SRS) and
the component control section (CCS).
The squadron or IMA material control centers
refer all material demands directly related to aircraft
maintenance to the ASD/SSC. Machines in the SRS
connect with the Naval Aviation Logistics Command
Management Information System (NALCOMIS),
Shipboard Uniform Automated Data Processing
System (SUADPS), or Status, Inventory Data
Management Systems (SIDMS) telephones or teletype
machines. Here, the SRS verifies the requisition for
accuracy or makes a referral on the transceiver copy.
Then the SRS prepares a requisition and records the
document number, as well as the Status and Action
codes in a log. Most requirements for components
from organizational maintenance are for items carried
in the local repair cycle assets (LRCA). Then, the SRS
passes those requirements to the CCS. If the item is
available in stock or the LCRA, CCS sends the
material to the material delivery unit.
Material Delivery Unit (MDU)
The MDU receives a document from the stock
locator unit (SLU) for the material. Then, the MDU
delivers the material to the customer. When the MDU
delivers a repairable component, the unserviceable
part and appropriate paperwork are exchanged for the
replacement part (unless the CRIPL lists it). If the
CRIPL lists the part, the maintenance activity has 24
hours after receipt of the replacement component to
furnish the unserviceable part. Then, the driver from
the MDU delivers the unserviceable component to
AMSU. AMSU checks the ICRL, and, if IMA can
repair the part, production control assigns a work
priority and work center to the task.
Pre-expended Bins (PEBs)
PEBs contain high usage, low cost,
maintenance-related materials, such as nuts, bolts,
gaskets, O-rings, switches, abrasive, and glues. The
PEB shortens the procedures for issuing and
accounting for low-cost recurring issues. SRS in
supply manages the PEBs. This includes display,
labeling, and restocking of the bins. SRS stocks
material in the PEBs that have a MINIMUM demand
frequency of three per month. SRS also limits the
quantity of any item in the PEB to a 30-day supply. If
an item costs more than the maximum permitted
(0), the commanding officer must approve the item
for PEB stockage.
Pre-expended bins may be located in the
maintenance area. Locating bins in the spaces of a
maintenance activity makes high-usage, low-cost
items immediately available to maintenance
How you use the PEB affects the number of items
that SRS stocks. If you take 50 bolts for a project that
only requires 20 bolts, you may keep another shop
from getting the parts that are causing an aircraft to be
NMCS. Or, if you show usage one month and none the
next of an item in stock, supply may drop the item from
the PEB, since the stock of a PEB is based upon use.
Supply reviews stock records for the PEB quarterly. If
there has been no demand for an item within the
previous 12 months, supply will remove the item from
the PEB and you will have to order the item.
Before you go to the PEB to draw an item, know
what part number you need and check the PEB list. If
the part number is on the PEB list, go to the PEB. If
the part number is not on the PEB list, order the item
through material control. When you use a low-cost
item three or more times a month and it is not carried
in the PEB, tell your supervisor so he or she can present
the item for inclusion in the PEB. To do this, provide
your supervisor with the part number and name of the
end component on which the item will be installed.