The function of the CCS is to manage the LRCA
held at the ASD/SSC. These assets consist of all
supply assets in the ASD/SSC, whether they are held
in the LRCA storage area, at the IMA undergoing
work, sitting upon the shelf in AWP status. or being
processed for shipment to a designated overhaul point
Local Repair Cycle Asset (LRCA)
Storage Unit
The LRCA storage unit receipts, stores, issues,
and accounts for all repairable assets under the control
of the CCS, including the rotatable pool. The LRCA
allowance depends on an activitys maintenance data
report (MDR) usage data and average turnaround time
(TAT). There are four workload priorities that can be
assigned to a LRCA.
Priority 1 is assigned to support NMCS/PMCS
aircraft for requisitions held by supply. Also, priority
1 is assigned to 30-day predeployment requirements.
Priority 2 is assigned for the repair of critical
LRCAs and SE, in addition to organizational
maintenance activity (OMA) work stoppage
Priority 3 is assigned for the repair of noncritical
LRCAs and SE. It covers the repair or manufacture of
material for nonfixed allowance stock.
Priority 4 is assigned for processing salvaged
material and nonaeronautical work.
If a squadron submits a requirement for a part and
the LRCA has no assets, the CCS will dispatch a driver
to your squadron to pick up the failed component. The
driver will deliver the part to AMSU as an expeditious
repair (EXREP). When the IMA can do the work, IMA
inducts the expeditious repair component for overhaul
under work priority 1. If IMA can put the part back in
ready-for-issue (RFI) condition, the component will
be delivered to the squadron immediately. The AMSU
looks at similar components in work priority 3 for
possible cannibalization to RF1 the EXREP
component from the squadron. If the component
cannot be overhauled by IMA due to lack of repair
parts, the component is sent to the awaiting parts
(AWP) unit.
AWP Unit
The AWP unit receives, stores, and controls all
AWP components returned to the ASD/SSC from IMA
because repair parts are not available. The AWP unit
personnel requisition piece parts and maintain
requisition files: registers, and records that are needed
to monitor, follow up, expedite, recycle, and report
material demand for component repairs.
What are the two sections of the Aviation Support
Division/Supply Support Center (ASD/SSC)?
If apart is listed in the CRIPL, the maintenance
activity has how many hours after receipt of the
replacement component to furnish the
unserviceable part?
What items are maintained in the pre-expended
bins (PEBs)?
How often does supply review stock records for
the PEB?
What section of ASD/SSC manages local repair
cycle assets?
How many workload priorities can be assigned
to a LRCA storage unit?
If a squadron requisitions an NMCS component
from supply and, except for the turn-in, the only
other part on station is in the IMA for repair,
what priority will be assigned to the component
received from the squadron?
You should now have an idea of the various jobs
that some of the supply personnel perform and how the
supply system works, at least locally. More
importantly, you should have an understanding of how
important it is to accurately document part numbers
and stock numbers. Ordering the wrong part not only
costs your command money, it causes unnecessary
delays in the repair of aircraft. When ordering
replacement parts, take time to ensure accuracy and
neatness. When in a hurry, that "Z" may look like a "2"
or that "5" like an "S." Take your time and dont be
part of the problem.