By analyzing the typical duties and responsi-
bilities listed above, you will find that they can be
grouped into three broad objectives.
1. Operate with maximum efficiency and safety
2. Operate with minimum expense and waste
3. Operate free from interruption and difficulty
While these are the primary objectives of a work
center supervisor, it is important for you to keep in
mind that it also affords you the opportunity to gain
practical experience toward eventual promotion to
Chief Petty Officer.
What is the primary concern of a work center
Q2. The typical duties and responsibilities of the
supervisor can be grouped into broad objectives.
List these three objectives.
The operational efficiency of a work center is
dependent to a large extent upon how conveniently the
work spaces and equipment are arranged. As
equipment in your work center becomes obsolete, new
equipment and new models are phased into the
inventory. With this occurrence, efficiency naturally
increases. This happens even in a poorly arranged
work center, but the full work center potential may not
be realized. It may not be economically feasible to
make drastic changes in the work center spaces and
equipment. However, if drastic changes result in
improved use of equipment, personnel safety, and in
generally improved working conditions, then the
change should be made. The supervisor should make
an assessment of the existing work center layout to
ensure the most efficient arrangement possible.
The supervisor, by virtue of the position, has
authority over other individuals. The supervisor tells
them what to do, when to do it, and if necessary, how
to do it. This authority alone is not enough to gain
maximum effectiveness performance from the crew.
A good supervisor must know the limitations and
capabilities of subordinates to obtain the most efficient
performance from them. The capabilities of the crew
should be exploited. If at all possible, a well qualified
person should be assigned to each job. Individuals that
are less qualified but who are ready for advanced
on-the-job training should be assigned to assist.
A good supervisor anticipates the eventual loss of
experienced personnel through transfers, separations,
etc. These things can be offset by establishing an
effective and continuing training program. Use the
Naval Aviation Maintenance Program, OPNAVINST
4790.2, manual as a guideline for this program. In
addition to raising the skill level of the work center,
the training program ensures that personnel otherwise
qualified will be prepared for the next Navy-wide
advancement examination.
A work center safety program must be organized
and administered if the work center is to function
efficiently. Current Navy directives and local policies
are quite specific as to the establishment of safety
training programs.
Accurate, complete, and up-to-date records are the
primary factors in the efficient operation of a work
center. This includes records of usage data, work
accomplishments, and personnel qualifications. The
most efficient record keeper is one who has enough
information without having records and files bulging
with useless and outdated materials.
As supervisor, you should schedule your workload
in such a way that planned absences of key workers do
not interrupt the daily routine. When scheduling the
workload, keep in mind the skill level required for
various tasks, and assign jobs to individuals in such a
way that the work may still progress if any worker is
unexpectedly absent.
The discussion thus far indicates that an efficient
and safe work center is one in which the supervisor
practices balanced supervision. Balanced supervision
means applying sufficient attention to each phase of
the supervisors responsibilities. Do not emphasize
production at the expense of safety or training. Also,
do not become so concerned with the human element
that production is neglected. Keep paperwork current
and updated to prevent having to spend long periods
catching up at the expense of other important interests.
Always strive to place the proper emphasis on each
phase of responsibility to promote work center
efficiency and harmony.
Q3. How does work center efficiency naturally
How can an effective supervisor offset the loss of
experienced personnel?