and instructions. This information is constantly
revised to give you up-to-date knowledge and
procedures. You can find the following sources of
information on corrosion in your units technical
library or corrosion control work center.
Aircraft Weapons System Cleaning and
Corrosion Control for Organizational and Intermediate
Maintenance Levels, NAVAIR 01-1 A-509
Avionics Cleaning and Corrosion Prevention/
Control, NAVAIR l6-l-540
Preservation of Naval Aircraft, NAVAIR
Chart-Corrosion Preventive Compounds used
by Naval Air Systems Command, NAVAIR 01-l A-518
General use of Cements, Sealants, and Coatings,
NAVAIR 01-1A-507
Ground Support Equipment Cleaning And
Corrosion Control, NAVAIR 17-1-125
Corrosion Control, Cleaning, Painting, and
Decontamination (One volume of the maintenance
instruction manuals (MIMs) for all late model aircraft
is devoted to these subjects.)
Periodic Maintenance Requirements Cards
The decay of metals as they combine with oxygen
is known as what type of corrosion?
What does an intact coat of paint provide to naval
In an electrochemical attack, electron flow is
established in which direction?
How will heat, humidity, and moisture affect the
electrochemical reactions that cause metal to
Why are thick structural sections most
susceptible to corrosive attack?
In relation to corrosion, what affect does
moisture have on avionics equipment?
Which NAVAIR publication is entitled Aircraft
Weapons Systems Cleaning and Corrosion
NAVAIR 16-1-540 provides what information?
Information on the preservation of Naval aircraft
and aircraft engines can be found in what
Q13. What information can you find in NAVAIR
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Define the purpose
of a preventive maintenance program.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Where corrosion prevention on naval aircraft is
concerned, this is an understatement. Compared to the
cost of naval aircraft, the cost of corrosion prevention
is small. Preventive maintenance is a powerful tool
that can control even the most difficult corrosion
Most operating activities increase their corrosion
prevention programs to meet severe conditions aboard
ship. Then, these programs are decreased in scope
when the aircraft is returned to the relatively mild
conditions ashore. When corrosion preventive
maintenance is neglected because of tactical operating
requirements, a period of intensive care should follow
to bring the aircraft back up to standard.
The two most important factors in preventing
corrosion, and the only factors that can be controlled
by field personnel, are the removal of the electrolyte
and the application of protective coatings. Since the
extent of corrosion depends on the length of time
electrolytes are in contact with metals, corrosion can
be minimized by frequent washing. Prevention also
involves the correct and timely use of covers and
shrouds, periodic lubrication, and the application of
preservatives. Years of experience have proven the
need for such measures to keep the aircraft airworthy.
When corrosion preventive maintenance is neglected,
an aircraft soon becomes unsafe to fly. Squadrons with
the best corrosion preventive programs tend to have
the best safety records, maximum use of the aircraft,
and the lowest operating costs.
The Naval Aviation Maintenance Program
(NAMP), OPNAVINST 4790.2, requires SE shops to
establish a maintenance schedule for each item of
equipment. The SE Custody and Maintenance History
Record, OPNAV 4790/51, is used to schedule and
record all corrosion maintenance actions.