system consists of four subsystemsthe gun and
associated ammunition feed, hydraulics, gun gas
purging and ammunition cooling, and gun electronics.
AN/ALE-39 Decoy Dispensing System
The AN/ALE-39 decoy dispensing system gives an
aircraft the capability to dispense chaff or flares. The
decoy rounds are contained in two dispensers at the
fuselage underside area. Control is supplied through the
SMP. The system consists of the dispenser/ECM
control panel, engine throttle lever grip assembly, left
console DISP switch, AN/ALE-39 programmer, two
AN/ALE-29A dispensers, MX-7721/ALE-29A
dispenser housings, two 1874/ALE-39 sequencer
switches, and the armament systems basic controls and
Aircraft Armament Configuration Capabilities
The basic armament configuration of the F/A-18
aircraft consists of LAU-116/A missile launchers,
LAU-7 missile launchers, SUU-63/A pylons,
SUU-62/A pylon, BRU-32/A bomb racks, and an
M61A1 20-mm gun.
The F/A-18 basic armament configuration can be
reconfigured to accommodate a variety of weapons.
Figure 15-19 shows the station configuration
If you want more information about authorized
aircraft configurations and weapons loading, refer to
A1-F18AA-TAC-000, volume 1, and A1-F18AA-TAC-
100, volume 2, NATOPS Tactical Manual. A general
description of the F/A-18 armament systems and
suspension or releasing equipment is contained in the
Airborne Weapons/Stores Loading Manual,
Q1. In the F/A-18 aircraft, the armament
safety override switch is located on the
Figure 15-19.F/A-18 aircraft station configuration capabilities.