Figure 15-12.Landing gear control handle.
from the main landing gear weight-off-wheels relay to
the master arm circuit breaker.
Armament Safety Override Switch
The armament safety override switch (fig. 15-13) is
in the maintenance panel located in the nosewheel well.
In the override position, it overrides the landing gear
handle DN position so ground operational maintenance
can be pulled on the weapon systems.
Master Arm Control Panel Assembly
The master arm control panel assembly (fig. 15-14)
is located in the forward cockpit. It contains the A/A,
A/G, and MASTER switches. The A/A and the A/G are
push-button switches that provide a ground to the SMP.
They select the air-to-air or air-to-ground computer
modes, respectively. The MASTER switch is used with
the LDG GEAR handle or the armament safety override
switch. In the SAFE position, weapons cannot be
released or fired, although emergency jettison can be
initiated. The ARM position provides an input to the
SMP and power for weapon release, fire, or jettison.
The switch position (SAFE/ARM) is displayed on the
DDIs in the wing-form display.
Figure 15-14.Master arm control panel assembly.
Aircraft Controller Grip Assembly
The aircraft controller grip assembly (fig. 15-15)
contains the A/G weapons release switch (bomb release
switch). The switch is spring-loaded to the OFF
position. When the switch is pressed, it completes a
circuit from the armament computer and provides an
input back to the armament computer. The aircraft grip
controller assembly also contains an A/A switch and the
trigger switch, which is discussed later in this chapter.
Figure 15-13.Armament safety override switch.
Figure 15-15.aircraft controller grip assembly.