consists of the A/G weapon release switch and weapon
control systems basic controls and components.
supplied from the weapons and pod to the DDIs through
the aircraft wiring. The systems consist of the armament
systems basic controls and components.
AN/AWW-4 Fuze Function Control System
AGM-65 Maverick System
The AN/AWW-fuze function control system gives
the aircraft the capability of using electric fuzes. The
system uses the Mk 39 bomb arming unit in the
BRU-32/A and BRU-33/A bomb racks. The Mk 39
bomb arming unit denies all voltage to the weapon until
it has actually separated from the bomb rack. Voltage is
supplied by the PP-6419 power supply to the bomb
arming unit through the aircraft wiring. There are four
voltages selected on the DDIs. When release is
initiated, voltage is supplied through an interconnecting
cable to the weapon during the first few inches of fall of
the weapon. No voltage is supplied to the bomb rack
until the bomb release switch is pressed. The system
consists of the PP-6419 power supply and the armament
systems basic controls and components.
Rocket Firing System
The rocket firing system gives the aircraft the
capability to fire rockets. The system uses the
BRU-32/A and BRU-33/A bomb racks for suspension
of the rocket launchers. When the bomb release switch
is pressed, voltage is supplied through aircraft wiring to
the vertical ejector rack (VER). Wiring within the VER
allows the rocket to fire. The system consists of the
armament systems basic controls and components.
Walleye Guided Weapon System
The Walleye guided weapon system gives the
aircraft the capability for release and guidance of a
Walleye weapon. The system uses the BRU-32/A bomb
rack, bomb release system, and the AN/AWW-4 fuze
function control system for fuzing. Video is supplied
from the weapon through the aircraft wiring to the DDIs.
No voltage is supplied to the bomb rack until the bomb
release switch is pressed. The system consists of the
CAGE/UNCAGE switch and the armament systems
basic controls and components. The CAGE/UNCAGE
switch is on the throttle. When the switch is pressed, it
cages/uncages the weapon selected.
The A N / A W W - 9 B , A N / A W W - 1 2 A , a nd
AN/AWW-13 data link systems are used with the
Mk 21 and Mk 27 Walleye weapons and with the
Walleye guided weapon system. The data link systems
provide control and guidance to these weapons by using
a data pod that is externally mounted to the aircraft. The
systems use the BRU-32/A bomb rack. Video is
The AGM-65 Maverick system gives the aircraft the
capability to fire a Maverick missile. The system uses
the BRU-32/A bomb rack and the LAU-117/A launcher
for suspension and firing of the Maverick missile.
AGM-88 HARM System
The AGM-88 HARM system gives an aircraft the
capability to fire a HARM missile. The system
incorporates the BRU-32/A bomb rack and the
LAU-118/A launcher for suspension and firing. Control
of the missile is supplied through the armament
AIM-7 Sparrow Fire Control System
The AIM-7 Sparrow fire control system gives the
aircraft the capability to fire an AIM-7 missile. The
system incorporates the LAU-116/A launcher for
fuselage stations and the BRU-32/A bomb rack with the
LAU-115C/A launcher on wing pylon stations for
suspension and firing. Control of the missile is supplied
through the armament computer and the radar system.
AIM-9 Sidewinder Fire Control System
The Sidewinder fire control system gives an aircraft
the capability for firing an AIM-9 missile. The system
uses the LAU-7 launcher for wing tip stations and the
BRU-32/A bomb rack with a LAU-115C/A launcher
configured with the LAU-7 launcher on wing pylon
stations for suspension and firing. Control of the missile
is supplied through the armament computer.
M61A1 20-MM Gun System
The M61A1 20-mm gun system gives an aircraft the
capability to fire this gun. The system enables selecting,
arming, and firing. Depending on the mission objective,
the gun can be operated in the air-to-air (A/A) or
air-to-ground (A/G) computer mode. There are two
A/G modes-continuously computed impact point
(CCIP) and manual (MAN). There are three A/A
modes-director, disturbed, and cage. Control of the
gun is supplied through the SMP. No voltage is supplied
to fire the gun until the trigger switch is pulled and all
landing gear is up and locked. The gun fire control