defining missile selection or deselection, warhead fusing,
target range and relative bearing, attack and seeker
modes, and aircraft true airspeed and altitude inputs.
Data Processor Computer (DPC)
The data processor is a digital computer that
provides the digital communications link between the
Harpoon Aircraft Command Launch Control System
(HACLCS) and the Harpoon missile.
Armament Subsystems
The following text provides general information on
the aircraft armament subsystems and components.
WEAPON SYSTEM. The weapon system
consists of the equipment and accessories necessary for
loading, carrying, and releasing of kill and search stores.
There are two subsystems, the armament (kill store)
subsystem and the ordnance (search store) subsystem.
The armament system refers to carriage and delivery of
weapons or stores from the wing and bomb bay stations.
The ordnance system refers to equipment used for
carriage and delivery of search stores. A maximum of
8 bomb bay stations and 10 wing stations are available
for carriage of weapons. There are 48 unpressurized
sonobuoy launch tubes (SLT), 3 pressurized SLT, and 1
free-fall chute used with the search store system (fig.
BOMB BAY SYSTEM. The bomb bay has a
Figure 15-21.P-3 sonobuoy launch tube arrangement.
eight basic stations are arranged in two layers; odd
numbered stations in the upper layer and even numbered
stations in the lower layer. This configuration limits the
release of weapons from the upper layer until the
interfering weapon on the lower level has been released.
Bomb racks are attached to removable pylons with two
types of pylons (primary pylon and 1,000- to
2,000-pound class store pylon). Bomb rack
installations are assigned a number or a number
maximum of eight stations available at one time. The
followed by a letter (fig. 15-22).
Figure 15-22.Bomb bay weapons stations.