(NOSE), nose/tail fuzing (N/T), and long-delay
fuzing (LDLY) are the selectable options.
Weapon selection for air-to-ground weapons is
accomplished by pressing the push-button switch
located next to the acronym of the weapon desired.
When the weapon is selected, a box lights around the
acronym. When the MASTER switch is in the SAFE
position, an X appears superimposed through the
acronym. When the MASTER switch is in the ARM
position, the X is removed and RDY is displayed
under the box light around the acronym. A box also
appears around the acronym of the weapon in the
wing-form display for the first priority (first station in
firing sequence) station that has this particular
weapon loaded.
Also, this weapon acronym is
displayed next to WPN in the program list.
Armament Computer
The armament computer (SMP) is shown in
figure 7-14. The computer is interfaced with and
controlled by the digital computers in the aircraft.
The SNIP is also interfaced with and controls the
weapons station command encoders/decoders. The
SMP has a weapon insertion panel with code wheels.
These code wheels are used to enter the code into the
weapon-type (ARMAMENT) and nose/tail fuzes
(FUZING). The weapon-type code must match the
weapon loaded. The nose/tail fuze codes
compatible with the weapon, or the SMP
must be
will not
Figure 7-13.-Digital display indicatorsContinued.