Figure 7-14.-Armament computer (stores management
processor) (SMP).
allow it to release normally. For weapons without
nose/tail fuzes, the codes must still match the weapon
loaded. AIM-7 missiles loaded on fuselage stations 4
and 6 do not require a weapon code.
Digital Computers
Digital computers make up the mission computer
system and control the avionics systems.
The y
interface with the SMP and allow the SMP to route
power to the encoders/decoders for weapons release.
The digital computers are controlled by the MC
switch on the MC/HYD ISOL panel. When the MC
switch is in the 1 OFF position, power is removed
from mission computer No. 1. When in the NORM
position, power is applied to mission computers Nos.
1 and 2. When in the 2 OFF position, power is
removed from mission computer No. 2.
The command encoders/decoders provide an
interface with the SMP and the weapons loaded.
When the SMP supplies power to the encoders/
decoders, they allow the weapon release.
Jettison System
The jettison system provides a method of
jettisoning weapons, stores, launchers, and fuel tanks.
The jettison system has three modes of release
emergency, selective, and auxiliary.
The emergency jettison mode jettisons all
weapons from the five pylon stations. Conditions for
jettisoning are weight-off-wheels or landing gear
control handle in the UP position and the EMERG
JETT PUSH TO JETT switch pressed. The PUSH TO
Figure 7-15.-Emergency jettison control panel assembly.
JETT switch (fig. 7-15) is on the emergency jettison
control panel assembly.
The JETT STATION SELECT switches (fig.
7-16) are on the flaps, landing gear, and stores
indicator panel.
When the switches are pressed, a
ground is provided to the SMP and the station is
selected. The SELECT JETT switch is located on the
left-hand vertical control panel assembly. The rotary
portion of the switch selects the fuselage missile
STORES) to be jettisoned.
The auxiliary jettison is a gravity mode of
jettisoning used on the five pylon stations when
emergency and selective jettison fails. Conditions for
jettisoning are as follows: the landing gear handle in
the UP position, all gear up and locked, MASTER
switch to ARM, stations selected by the JETT
STATION SELECT switches, AUX REL switch to
ENABLE, and the bomb-release switch pressed. The
AUX REL switch is located on the ECM control panel
assembly. When it is positioned to ENABLE, it
provides a ground to the SMP and allows the auxiliary
cartridge to fire when the bomb-release switch is
Figure 7-16.-Jettison station select stitches.