In the P-3C, in
stations, ten wing
Figure 7-17.-P-3C ordnance stations.
Figure 7-18.-S-3A ordnance stations.
addition to the eight bomb bay
stations are available for the
carriage of a variety of stores. Forty-eight
unpressurized, three pressurized, and one free-fall
launch chutes are used in the search store system
(fig. 7-17).
In the S-3A, two bomb bays with two stations
each and two wing stations are available for store
carriage. Sixty unpressurized launch chutes are used
in the search store system (fig. 7-18).
The weapons control system of each aircraft has
the units, panels, switches, logic circuits, interfaces,
computer, and controls necessary for selecting,
arming, and releasing the kill or search stores.
Additionally, status lights indicate store selection
errors and store go or no-go status. Electrical jettison
release systems are incorporated to release or eject all
kill stores of the P-3C aircraft, and the wing stations
and all search stores of the S-3A aircraft.
Figure 7-19.-P-3C SLT arrangement.