Acoustic System AN/UYS-1, 4-27
Control Indicator C-11104/UYS-1, 4-28
operating principles, 4-27
Power Supply PP-7467/UYS-1, 4-27
Spectrum Analyzer TS-4008/UYS-1, 4-27
Airborne navigation systems, 2-7
automatic direction finder (ADF), 2-12
Doppler, 2-18
loran, 2-15
omega, 2-16
pressure altimeters, 2-8
radar altimeter, 2-10
radar altimeter warning set (RAWS), 2-11
TACAN, 2-13
Airborne sonar system, 4-9
azimuth and range indicator, 4-10
bathythermographic mode of operation, 4-14
bearing and range indicator, 4-10
cable assembly and reel, 4-10
cable reeling machine, 4-11
communication mode of operation, 4-14
data computer, 4-14
dome control, 4-10
echo-ranging mode of operation, 4-14
hydrophore, 4-11
passive mode of operation, 4-14
projector, 4-11
receiver, 4-13
recorder aspect mode of operation, 4-15
recorder range mode of operation, 4-15
Recorder RO-358/ASQ-13A, 4-11
recorder test mode, 4-15
test mode, 4-14
transmitter, 4-13
Altimeter errors, 2-9
hysteresis, 2-9
installation/position, 2-9
mechanical, 2-9
reversal, 2-9
scale, 2-9
Altimeters, 2-7
counter-drum-pointer, 2-9
counter-pointer, 2-8
errors, types of, 2-9
pressure, 2-8
radar, 2-10
Altitudes, 2-7
absolute altitude, 2-8
calibrated altitude, 2-8
density altitude, 2-8
indicated altitude, 2-8
pressure altitude, 2-8
standard datum plane, 2-7
true altitude, 2-8
Antisubmarine warfare, 4-1
acoustic system, 4-27
airborne sonar system, 4-9
MAD recorder, 4-24
magnetic anomaly detection, 4-15
magnetic anomaly detection set, 4-21
magnetic anomaly detection system, 4-20
magnetic compensator group, 4-22
selector control group, 4-23
sonar principles, 4-1
sonobuoys, 4-24
sonobuoy receivers, 4-27
submarine anomaly detection (SAD) group, 4-22