Computer input/output units, 8-9
devices, 8-11
input devices, 8-11
output devices, 8-12
parallel transmission, 8-10
parallel versus serial transmissions, 8-10
serial transmission, 8-11
Computer programming fundamentals, 8-13
executive routines, 8-14
flow charting, 8-15
jump and return jump instructions, 8-14
maintenance programs, 8-15
program construction, 8-15
subroutines, 8-14
Computers, 8-1
applications, 8-2
integrated circuit technology, 8-12
makeup, 8-1
peripheral avionics systems, 8-16
programming fundamentals, 8-13
types, 8-2
Computer types, 8-2
analog, 8-2
digital, 8-2
general-purpose, 8-3
special-purpose, 8-3
Data link system, 1-20
block diagram, 1-21
comm interface No. 2, 1-21
Control-Monitor Panel C7790/ACQ-5, 1-21
Converter-Control CV-2528/ACQ-5, 1-20
modes of operation, 1-22
Power Supply PP-6140/ACQ-5, 1-21
terms, 1-22
Digital computers, 8-2
data processor, 8-3
input/output, 8-9
operation, 8-3
Digital data processor, 8-3
arithmetic-logic unit, 8-5
block diagram, 8-3
control unit, 8-4
internal data storage unit, 8-5
Digital data storage, 8-5
magnetic cores, 8-6
magnetic disks, 8-8
magnetic drums, 8-7
magnetic tapes, 8-8
semiconductor memories, 8-6
thin film, 8-7
Doppler, 2-18
Antenna AS-1350/APN- 153(V), 2-18
Control Indicator C-4418A/APN-153(V), 2-18
operational theory, 2-18
Receiver Transmitter RT-680A/APN-153(V),
test indications, 2-19
Electrical noise, 10-3
ac generators and motors, 10-3
beacons, 10-4
coded-pulse equipment, 10-4
dc motors, 10-3
inverters, 10-4
nonlinear elements, 10-5
power lines, 10-6
propeller systems, 10-5
radar, 10-4
receiver oscillators, 10-5
relays, 10-4
thyratrons, 10-4
transponders, 10-4