Electrostatic discharge, 10-15
component susceptibility, 10-17
device handling, 10-18
device packaging, 10-18
elimination of, 10-17
markings, 10-19
personal apparel, 10-17
personnel ground straps, 10-17
prime generators, 10-17
protective materials, 10-17
static electricity, 10-15
Electrostatic discharge program, 10-1
bonding, 10-14
electrical noise, 10-3
electrostatic discharge, 10-15
interference coupling, 10-6
protective material, 10-17
radio interference reduction components, 10-7
receiver noise interface, 10-1
static electricity, 10-15
Electrostatic discharge protective material, 10-17
antistatic material, 10-18
conductive material, 10-17
hybrid bags, 10-18
F-14 aircraft weapon systems, 7-1
air combat maneuver (ACM) panel, 7-1
AN/AWW-4 fuze function control system, 7-4
armament control indicator panel, 7-2
armament safety override switch, 7-4
basic controls and components, 7-1
control stick, 7-3
decoy dispensing system, 7-4
display control panel, 7-2
jettison system, 7-4
landing gear handle, 7-3
F-14 aircraft weapon systems-Continued
M61A1 20-mm automatic gun fire control
system, 7-4
master light control panel, 7-3
missile control system, 7-4
multiple weapons release system, 7-4
F/A-18 aircraft weapon systems, 7-5
AGM-65 Maverick system, 7-10
AGM-88 Harm system, 7-10
AIM-7 Sparrow fire control system, 7-10
AIM-9 Sidewinder fire control system, 7-11
aircraft controller grip, 7-6
AN/ALE-39 decoy dispensing system, 7-11
AN/AWW-4 fuze function control system, 7-10
AN/AWW-7B data link system, 7-10
armament computer, 7-8
armament safety override switch, 7-6
basic controls and components, 7-5
bomb release system, 7-10
digital computers, 7-9
digital display indicators (DDIs), 7-6
ground power control panel, 7-5
jettison system, 7-9
landing gear control handle, 7-6
M61A1 20-mm gun system, 7-11
master arm control panel, 7-6
rocket firing system, 7-10
Walleye guided weapon system, 7-10
Fighter aircraft weapon systems, 7-1
F-14 aircraft, 7-1
F/A-18 aircraft, 7-5
Fire control radar, 3-9
block diagram, 3-9
bomb director mode, 3-10
bomb director mode display, 3-15
fire control (automatic search) display, 3-12