Navigation basics, 2-1
airborne navigation, 2-7
altitudes, 2-7
compass rose, 2-5
dead reckoning, 2-6
direction, 2-5
distance, 2-5
earths size and shape, 2-2
electronic assisted navigation, 2-6
great circles and small circles, 2-2
latitude, 2-3
longitude, 2-4
Omega, 2-16
Antenna Coupler AS-2623/ARN-99(V), 2-17
operating frequencies, 2-16
operational theory, 2-16
Power Control Panel 960767,2-16
Receiver-Converter OR-90/ARN-99(V), 2-17
Peripheral avionics systems, 8-16
data link, 8-16
navigation, 8-16
ordnance/weapons, 8-16
search/track radar, 8-16
Radar, 3-1
fire control radar, 3-9
IFF systems, 3-15
search radar, 3-1
Radar altimeter, 2-10
Height Indicator ID-1760A/APN- 194,2-10
Low-Altitude Alarm BZ-157A, 2-11
low altitude warning light, 2-11
Receiver-Transmitter RT-1042/APN-194, 2-11
Radar altimeter warning set (RAWS), 2-11
Radio communications, 1-1
data link system, 1-20
frequency band usage, 1-2
HF communciations, 1-16
intercommunication system (ICS), 1-3
teletype system, 1-22
types of, 1-1
UHF communications, 1-13
VHF communications, 1-11
Radio communications types, 1-1
radiotelegraph, 1-1
radiotelephone, 1-1
teletypewriter, 1-1
Radio interference reduction components, 10-7
bandpass filters, 10-13
band-rejection filters, 10-14
capacitive filter application, 10-10
capacitive filtering, ac circuits, 10-10
capacitive filtering, switching devices, 10-11
capacitors, 10-8
capacitors, selection of, 10-10
coaxial feedthrough capacitors, 10-8
high-pass filters, 10-13
inductive-capacitive filters, 10-12
low-pass filters, 10-12
resistive-capacitive filters, 10-11
Receiver noise interference, 10-1
atmospheric static, 10-1
broadband interference, 10-2
cosmic noise, 10-2
narrow-band interference, 10-3
precipitation static, 10-2