Heads-up display (HUD), 5-5
air-to-air mode of operation, 5-13
air-to-ground mode of operation, 5-14
analog-to-digital conversion mode, 5-9
BITE functions, 5-10
block diagram, 5-7
circle mode, 5-81
cruise mode of operation, 5-13
declutter, 5-10
deflection module, 5-10
digital computer, 5-7
display unit, 5-9
input receivers, 5-6
landing mode of operation, 5-14
line mode, 5-8
optical module, 5-9
signal data processor, 5-6
symbol generator, 5-7
symbology, 5-10
takeoff mode of operation, 5-13
video module, 5-9
Helicopter search store sytems, 7-14
SH-3 helicopter sonobuoy launcher, 7-16
SH-60 helicopter sonobuoy launcher, 7-16
HF communications, 1-16
antenna, 1-18
block diagram, 1-19
Control Box C-9245/ARC- 161, 1-17
Coupler CU-2070/ARC, 1-18
lightning arrester, 1-18
receive function, 1-19
Receiver-Transmitter RT-1000/ARC-161, 1-17
Remote Control Unit TSEC/KY-75, 1-19
RF Amplifier AM-6561/ARC-161, 1-17
Security Unit TSEC/KY-75, 1-18
transmit function, 1-19
Horizontal situation indicator (HSI), 5-1
control box, Copilot A279, 5-2
control box, NAV/COMM A309, 5-3
control box, Pilot A280, 5-2
Indicator ID-1540/A, 5-1
system description, 5-4
IFF systems, 3-15
interrogator set, 3-20
transponder set, 3-15
Indicators, 5-1
bearing-distance-heading indicator (BDHI), 5-4
heading indicators, 5-1
heads-up display (HUD), 5-5
horizontal situation indicator (HSI), 5-1
tactical display system (non-bud) (TDS), 5-15
Infrared, 6-1
detectors, 6-4
foward-looking infrared system (FLIR), 6-7
imaging system, 6-5
optics, 6-4
radiation, 6-3
thermal imaging, 6-1
Infrared detectors, 6-4
elemental detectors, 6-4
imaging detectors, 6-4
photon effect, 6-5
thermal effect, 6-5
Infrared imaging system, 6-5
detector array, 6-5
front end optics, 6-7
image processing, 6-7
refrigeration system, 6-7
scene dissection, 6-6
single detector, 6-6