Antisubmarine warfare weapons systems, 7-11
basic ASW weapons systems, 7-11
fixed-wing kill store systems, 7-17
fixed-wing release and control system, 7-18
fixed-wing search store systems, 7-13
helicopter kill store system, 7-18
helicopter search store sytems, 7-14
Automatic carrier landing system, 9-1
block diagram, 9-2
components, 9-1
principles of operation, 9-3
safety provisions, 9-5
Automatic carrier landing system components, 9-1
Approach Indexer 128AV653- 1,9-3
Approach Power Compensator AN/ASN-54, 9-3
Attitude Reference Indicator ID-1791/,4, 9-3
Automatic Flight Control System AN/ASW-42,
Digital Data Communication Set AN/ASW-25B,
Discrete Message Indicator 1284V66836, 9-3
Instrument Landing System AN/SPN-41, 9-1
Landing Control Central System AN/SPN-42, 9-2
Radar Beacon AN/APN-154B, 9-3
Receiving-Decoding Group AN/ARA-63, 9-1
warning indexer panel, 9-3
Automatic carrier landing system operation, 9-3
landing sequence, 9-4
mode I landing operation, 9-4
Automatic direction finder (ADF), 2-12
ADF mode of operation, 2-12
antenna mode of operation, 2-12
Control Panel C-6899/ARN-83, 2-12
Loop Antenna AS-1863/ARN-83, 2-12
loop mode of operation, 2-12
Receiver R-1391/ARN-83, 2-12
sense antenna, 2-12
Bearing-distance-heading indicator (BDHI), 5-4
functions, 5-5
indicator parts, 5-4
Block diagrams
APS-115 signal flow, 3-8
basic television system, 5-17
data link, 1-21
DIFAR sonobuoy, 4-26
digital data processor, 8-3
FLIR azimuth drive, 6-18
FLIR control servomechanism bite, 6-22
FLIR elevation drive, 6-19
FLIR positioning/stabilization, 6-13
FLIR power supply-video converter BITE, 6-17
FLIR receiver-converter BITE, 6-14
FLIR receiver-converter heat exchanger, 6-12
FLIR system, 6-8
FLIR video indicator, 6-27
FLIR video processing, 6-15
heads-up display, 5-7
HF radio system, 1-19
tactical display system interface, 5-17
teletype, 1-24
Trainer 11D13A, 3-9
UHF radio system, 1-15
Bonding, 10-14
lightning protection, 10-15
purposes, 10-14
Camera tubes, 5-22
image isocon, 5-23
image orthicon, 5-22
plumbicon, 5-25
secondary electron conduction (SEC), 5-25
vidicon, 5-24