feet in length and represents the flight path of a
searching aircraft through the area of the submarine
anomaly. If the submarine were not present, the
undisturbed magnetic intensity in the area due to its
assumed natural characteristics would be 60,000
gammas. (The gamma is the measure of magnetic
intensity and is symbolized by the Greek letter
variations in the field, when the submarine is present,
would then be above or below this natural intensity.
Therefore, 60,000 gammas is the zero reference
drawn on the moving paper tape shown in view C of
figure 4-23.
Refer to view A of figure 4-23. Starting with the
aircraft at point A, where the anomaly is undetectable,
the earths field concentration decreases to an
intensity of
(59,998) at point B. Its intensity then
increases until a peak value of
is reached at point
C. From that point it decreases to zero at point D.
After point D, another zone of what amounts to
magnetic rarefaction is encountered. The earths field
is less intense than its normal value. Consequently,
anomalous values in this zone are considered as
minus quantities. A peak minus intensity is reached at
point E, and thereafter the signal rises back to its
normal, or undetectable, intensity at point F.
As the varying degrees of intensity are
encountered, they are amplified and used to drive a
swinging stylus, as shown in figure 4-23, view B. The
tip of the stylus rides against the moving paper tape,
leaving an ink trace.
The stylus is swung in one
direction for positive
and the other for negative
The magnitude of its swing is determined by the
intensity of the anomaly signal. Figure 4-23, view C,
is a sample of paper recording tape showing the
approximate trace caused by the anomaly in view A.
In the illustration just given, the search aircrafts
altitude was 200 feet. At a lower altitude the anomaly
would have been stronger,
would have been weaker.
and at a higher altitude, it
For the purposes of this discussion, any noise or
disturbance in the aircraft or its equipment that could
produce a signal on the recorder is classified as a
magnetic noise.
In an aircraft there are many sources of magnetic
fields, such as engines, struts, control cables,
equipment, and ordnance. Many of these fields are of
sufficient strength to seriously impair the operation of
MAD equipment. Consequently, some means must
be employed to compensate for magnetic noise
The noise sources fall into two major
categories: maneuver noises and dc circuit noises.
Maneuver Noises
When the aircraft maneuvers, the magnetic field
of the aircraft is changed, causing a change in the total
magnetic field at the detecting element. The aircraft
maneuver rates are such that the signals generated
have their major frequency components within the
bandpass of the MAD equipment. Maneuver noises
may be caused by induced magnetic fields, eddy
current fields, or the permanent field.
The variations in the induced magnetic field
detected by the magnetometer are caused by changes
in the aircrafts heading. This causes the aircraft to
present a varying size to the earths magnetic field,
and only the portion of the aircraft parallel to the field
is available for magnetic induction.
Eddy current fields produce maneuver noise
because of currents that flow in the aircrafts skin and
structural members. When an aircrafts maneuver
causes an eddy current flow, a magnetic field is
generated. The eddy current field is a function of the
rate of the maneuver. If the maneuver is executed
slowly, the effect of the eddy current field is
The structural parts of the aircraft exhibit
permanent magnetic fields, and, as the aircraft
maneuvers, its composite permanent field remains
aligned with it. The angular displacement between
the permanent field and the detector magnetometer
during a maneuver produces a changing magnetic
field, which the detector magnetometer is designed to
DC Circuit Noise
The dc circuit noise in an aircraft comes from the
standard practice in aircraft design of using a
single-wire dc system, with the aircraft skin and
structure as the ground return. The resulting current
loop from the generator to load to generator serves as
a large electromagnet that generates a magnetic field
similar to a permanent magnetic field. Whenever the
dc electrical load of the aircraft is abruptly changed,
there is an abrupt change in the magnetic field at the