group, AN/ASA-71 selector control group, and theRO-32/ASQ MAD recorder.AN/ASQ-81 MAD SetThe AN/ASQ-81 set consists of the DT-323magnetic detector, the AM-4535 amplifier-powersupply, and the C-6983 detecting set control box.DT-323 MAGNETIC DETECTOR.— Thedetection element includes six separate heliumabsorption cells and six IR detectors, arranged inpairs, with the pairs oriented at 90° to each other.This configuration ensures that one or more of thepairs is at least partially in line with the earth’s fieldregardless of aircraft attitude or direction of flight.The signals from all three detector pairs are combinedin a summing amplifier. The final output to theamplifier-power supply is not affected by aircraftmaneuvers because of the arrangement.AM-4535 AMPLIFIER-POWER SUPPLY.—The amplifier-power supply (fig. 4-26) serves twopurposes. The first purpose is the power supplyportion. This section provides the necessary power tothe MAD subsystem. The amplifier section containsthe necessary electronics to detect the anomaly signalfrom the detector output signal.There are three fail indicators on the amplifier-power supply. The FAIL light comes on when there isa fault in the assembly being tested with the BITEswitch. The FAIL DETECTOR and the FAIL AMPPWR SUPPLY lights indicate failure of the magneticdetector or the amplifier-power supply. The ALTCOMP dial is used to vary the amplitude of thealtitude compensation signal. The BUILT IN TESTswitch provides a self-test of quick replaceableassemblies in the amplifier-power supply. The twocircuit breakers provide circuit protection for the dcpower to the magnetic detector and the 115-volt acpower to the amplifier-power supply.On the right side of the amplifier-power supply,there is a hinged door that covers a maintenancepanel. When this door is closed, the equipmentoperates in the normal mode. On the maintenancepanel there is a RES OSC ADJ switch that is used tomanually adjust the resonance oscillator frequencyduring maintenance procedures. There is also aMODE SELECT switch that selects various systemconfigurations necessary for proper maintenance andtroubleshooting.C-6983 CONTROL BOX.— The detecting setcontrol box (fig. 4-27) contains the operating switchesand indicators for the MAD system. Across the top ofthe faceplate are five indicators that indicate faults inthe other units. The indicator labeled 3 indicates amagnetic detector failure when lit. The indicatorlabeled 2 indicates amplifier failure. The next twoindicators indicate a control box fault. The SYSREADY indicator illuminates when the system isready for operation. This indicator will blink duringwarm-up.There are three toggle switches across the middleportion of the control box. The one on the right is thepower switch.This switch applies power to thesystem. The middle switch is labeled CAL. It selectsthe calibration signal for use. The switch on the left isFigure 4-26.-AM-4535 amplifier-power supply.Figure 4-27.-C-6893 detecting set control.4-21
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