. Afocal optics assembly
. IR detectors
Figure 6-16 is a simplified block diagram of a
receiver-converter BITE system. The BITE signals
go to a BITE logic module in the power supply-video
converter WRA. In this WRA, they are combined and
sent to the IRDSC to light the various indicators.
Functionally, the power supply-video converter
assembly breaks down into three subsystems. These
subsystems are the power supply, the video
processing, and the BITE system.
Power Supply
The power supply subsystem is a typical power
supply. It filters aircraft power for use by the
receiver-converter assembly. It also develops all the
operating voltages for both the receiver-converter and
the power supply-video converter circuits.
Video Processing
The video processing subsystem generates the
synchronizing drive and timing signals for the
receiver-converter. It also converts the TV camera
video from the receiver-converter assembly into a
composite video format. This format consists of
camera video and receiver position information for
presentation on the video indicator.
Figure 6-16.-Receiver-converter BITE block diagram.