Table 6-2-Sync Generator Outputs
Beam gate only
TV camera
Cathode drive
TV camera
Dark current drive
TV camera
Horizontal current drive
TV camera
Vertical deflection drive
TV camera
Composite clamping
TV camera
Scanner sync
Scanning optic unit
Horizontal sync
Gimbal angle indicator (GAI)
Composite blanking
GAI, video processor
Vertical blanking
Gimbal angle indicator
Composite sync
Video processor
Gray scale signal
Video processor
Horizontal clamping
Video processor
indicator (GAI) modules. These signals are listed
in table 6-2.
The sync generator module also generates a
gray scale signal upon receipt of a gray scale
command signal from the IRDSC. The IRDSC
generates this command whenever the gray scale
switch is turned on. The gray scale signal presents
a gray scale pattern (fig. 6-19) on the video
indicator. The pattern serves to aid the operator in
adjusting the level and gain controls on the
IRDSC. There is a total of ten different shades.
Each shade represents a different IR temperature
range to which the operator can compare the
target intensity and estimate the temperature of
the target. The temperature is an indication of the
type of target material.
The video processor receives raw
video signals from the TV camera. It
also receives gimbal angle Indicator
synthetic video, gray scale signals, composite
sync, composite blanking, and horizontal
Figure 6-19.-Gray scale video indicator presentation.