shared by both azimuth and elevation drive signals.
The following discussion will refer to that module as
the azimuth mode logic module or the elevation mode
logic module, as appropriate.
Power Supply
The power supply is a typical power supply. It
filters aircraft power and develops all of the operating
voltages for the control servomechanism assembly
and the TTSC assembly circuits.
Azimuth Drive Subsystem
Figure 6-21 is a simplified block diagram of a
typical azimuth drive subsystem used in a control
servomechanism assembly. The azimuth mode logic
module receives one of four operational commands
from the IRDSC. These mode commands are for
either the position, the forward (FWD), the manual
track, or the computer track modes. The operator
selects the mode on the IRDSC.
POSITION MODE. The position mode
command signal is processed by the mode logic
module, which sends a position (POS) command
signal to the azimuth position compensation module.
This module processes the signal, enabling it to
receive azimuth position (LOS) information from the
IRDSC azimuth control. It outputs position loop
command and gimbal angle signals to the azimuth
rate compensation module. The azimuth rate
compensation module sends an azimuth drive signal
to the azimuth heat sink module. This module
Figure 6-22.-Elevation drive subsystem block diagram.