MANUAL TESTS.-- A manual testis started by the
Let's take a brief look at each of these self-tests and
console operator. The operator depresses either the
how they work.
AN/UYK-44(V) TESTS.-- The AN/UYK-44(V)
push button. The LAMP TEST operates the MCS
built-in test (BIT) determines the operational status of
console LED driver circuits only and does not test the
the central processor, I/O controller, I/O channel
computer program function that controls the indicators.
adapters, and main memory. If an error is detected, an
The AUDIBLE ALARM TEST push button operates the
AN/UYK-44 BIT ERROR alarm will be displayed on
alarm annunciator printed on the push button (SIREN,
the PDU. When the computer BIT cannot be completed
in the time allotted, an AN/UYK BIT NOT CMPLT
Y o u have just read about engineering plant
message is displayed on the PDU.
m o n i t o r i n g and control systems for the DD-963,
DD-993, CG-47, FFG-7, and DDG-51 class ships. In the
distributor self-tests check the contents of its two RAMs
following section, we will focus on the CCS operations
and the console front panel push-button switch position
on these ships.
messages for proper format. The SCU and DCC each
have one panel distributor, while the PACC has two. A
PACC panel distributor supports the controls and
indicators associated the SCU. If the RAM does not
conform to a predetermined format, an error message is
The CCS is the main operating station from which
displayed on the PDU.
the engineering plant can be controlled and monitored.
On the DD-963, DDG-993, and CG-47 class ships, the
PACC, EPCC, FSCC, and DCC are located in the CCS.
plexer self-tests check that all inputs and outputs are
O n the DDG-51 class ships, the PACC, EPCC,
valid. In addition, the computer tests all analog inputs to
EOOW/LU, and DCC are located in the CCS. On the
determine if they are within their permissible range. The
FFG-7 class ships, the PCC, EPCC, ACC, and DCC are
computer generates test signals that are sent directly
located in the CCS. In the remainder of this chapter, we
from an output multiplexer to its respective input
will briefly discuss some basic operations performed
multiplexer. If a computer-generated signal is received
from the major consoles located in the CCS of gas
out of limits, an error message is displayed on the PDU.
t u r b i n e - p o w e r e d ships. First, we will discuss the
The computer also tests actual analog signal inputs
operations of the consoles located in the CCS of the
from the engineering plant to determine if they are
DD-963, DDG-993, and CG-47 class ships, followed by
within 7 percent of their full-scale range. For example,
a discussion of the consoles on the DDG-51 class ships.
an analog input of 10.7 volts dc or greater, with a
Finally, we will discuss console operations from the
frill-scale range of 0 to 10 volts dc, is out of range. When
CCS on the FFG-7 class ships. Refer to the EOSS, the
this condition is detected, an error message is displayed
EOP, and the appropriate technical manuals for a
detailed description of console operating procedures.
on the PDU.
AVAILABILITY TESTS.-- The availability
self-test ensures that MCS computer communication
DD-963, DDG-993, AND CG-47 CLASS
with a peripheral, through a I/O channel assembly, is
On the DD-963, DDG-993, and CG-47 class ships,
peripheral are interrupted, an alarm is displayed on the
the CCS is located remotely from the machinery spaces.
This configuration allows for monitoring and control of
CONSOLE STATUS TESTS.-- The console status
the engineering plant with a minimum of personnel. The
tests are not initiated by the computer self-test function.
two major consoles of the engineering plant on these
The computer receives the console status inputs, in the
classes of ships are the PACC and the EPCC. The PACC
form of contact closure, through a panel distributor, I/O
is the console in the ECSS where control of the
multiplexer, or RS-232C channel. If a contact closes to
propulsion plant and auxiliary systems is normally
indicate a console hardware fault, an alarm will appear
located. The EPCC is the console where control of the
on the PDU. A power supply alarm will also be shown
electric plant is normally located. On the CG-47 class
on the plasma display unit if a console power supply
s h i p s , the EPCC also controls and monitors the
fault occurs.
distribution of the ship's 400-Hz power. We will briefly