Figure 3-3.--Machinery control system.
control panel of the ship control console (SCC). The
MCS console having propulsion control is shown on the
SCC. Digital readouts display actual shaft rpm and
The MCS receives, processes, displays, and
propeller pitch, and EOT orders and acknowledgments.
transmits engineering plant information. These tasks are
carried out by various MCS consoles and units, each of
which is designed to control and monitor specific
functions. In this section, we will describe the methods
used by the MCS to communicate between the consoles
of the MCS system and between the engineering plant
The MCS equipment located in each MER is a shaft
equipments and the consoles. We will discuss the
control unit (SCU). Related propulsion equipment in
v a r i o u s types of sensory devices used, the MCS
each MER are two integrated electronic control cabinets
computer programming, the AN/USQ-82(V) DMS, and
and two GTEs. An SCU computer communicates with
each cabinet, various plant sensors, and other MCS
Sensors and Remote Signal Conditioning
consoles. The computer also receives commands from
the BCU and PACC.
Sensors that monitor engineering plant conditions
Now that you have read about the major control
provide either discrete (digital) or analog inputs to the
areas of the MCS found on the DDG-51 class ships, let's
M C S . Remember, a discrete input is an either/or
look at how this system processes and exchanges
situation described by a contact sensor (ON/OFF,
O P E N / C L O S E ) . An analog input is a continuous