Sensors and Remote Signal Conditioning
The PAMISE consists of a digital computer, signal
Most of the information that the ECSS receives is
conditioning equipment, and two printers. This
developed from various sensors located throughout the
equipment receives, evaluates, and logs the engineering
engineering plant. The sensors used with the
plant performance, status, and alarm state. A signal
engineering plant systems are either discrete or analog.
conditioner performs the function of a central gathering
Discrete is an either/or situation (ON/OFF,
p o i n t of sensory inputs. The signal conditioner
OPEN/CLOSE). Analog is a constantly changing value
processes these inputs so they will be compatible for
(speed in rpms, temperature in degrees). The types of
computer use and to perform the alarm generation
sensors used on gas turbine-powered ships include the
1. Contact sensors (ON/OFF, OPEN/CLOSE)
2. Temperature sensors
3. Pressure sensors
Throttle and pitch commands to each shaft can be
directly controlled from the bridge by the integrated
throttle and pitch controls located on the ship control
5. Ship's service electrical distribution sensors
equipment (SCE). This equipment also provides for
a. Voltage
EOT, rudder angle, and autopilot control. Digital
readouts are provided at the main console of the SCE,
b . Amperage
t h e bridge wing display units (BWDUs), and the
c. Wattage
pilothouse rpm and pitch indicator unit (RPIU). The
and EOT settings. A portable bridge wing steering unit
6. Pressure switches
is available for steering control from one of the selected
bridge wings
7. Level sensors
S i g n a l conditioning i s accomplished by the
PAMISE at the signal conditioning enclosures (S/CEs),
Main Engine Room (MER)
No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3. The purpose of these S/CEs is
t o convert all the sensory inputs into a common
The ECSS equipment located in each MER consists
electrical range of 0 to 10 volts dc so they are compatible
of the propulsion local operating equipment (PLOE) and
with the rest of the ECSS. Each signal conditioner
one signal conditioner (part of PAMISE). The PLOE
receives a sensor (or external signal conditioner),
provides for local control and monitoring of the main
voltage, current, ohmic, or frequency input. These
propulsion gas turbine engines and the associated
inputs are converted to a 0- to 10-volt dc analog signal.
auxiliary equipment in each engine room. Each PLOE
These signal-conditioned parameters are processed by
contains controls and status indicators as found at
o t h e r electronic circuitry of the ECSS for alarm
PAMCE, but only those of that particular engine room.
generation, analog meter displays, and digital demand
Serial and Parallel Data Communication
Now that we have told you about the main control
Most of the control and status information
areas of the ECSS used in DD-963, DDG-993, and
communicated between the ECSS control consoles is
C G - 4 7 class ships, let's look at how the ECSS
exchanged in the form of binary signals. These signals
communicates, processes, and exchanges information.
are in groups or arrays of information known as data
We will discuss the various types of sensory devices
words. Each binary signal within the data word is called
used, signal conditioning, serial data bus interconsole
a data bit and has a binary zero or a binary one logic
communication, and hardware. We also will discuss the
value. The number of data bits contained in a data word
types of control interfacing between the ECSS consoles
is called the word bit length. The data words can be
and the engineering plant equipment.
exchanged in either a parallel or a serial format.