The PAMCE provides all controls and displays
The automated ECSS system allows control and
monitoring of the engineering plant from various
necessary to operate both main propulsion plants and
locations. This feature makes the engineering plant on
t h e i r associated auxiliary and support systems.
gas turbine-powered ships extremely versatile and
Automatic and manual propulsion plant controls and the
reliable. The following paragraphs list the major control
integrated throttle and pitch control are available.
and monitoring stations on the DD-963, DDG-993, and
CG-47 class ships.
Central Control Station (CCS)
The EPCE contains the logic circuitry to initiate the
start and stop of a GTGS or automatically sequence
The CCS is the main operating station from which
generator breakers and bus tie breakers. It provides for
m o s t of the engineering plant machinery can be
automatic paralleling of any selected combination of
controlled and monitored. The ECSS equipment located
generators. An automatic start-up feature is included if
in the CCS includes propulsion and auxiliary machinery
a GTGS failure occurs. Monitoring capabilities are
control equipment (PAMCE), electric plant control
p r o v i d e d for the GTGSs and the ship's service
e q u i p m e n t (EPCE), and propulsion and auxiliary
distribution system. On the CG-47 class ships, a turbine
machinery information system equipment (PAMISE).
overload protection system (TOPS) is provided to
The following paragraphs briefly discuss these control
monitor the GTGSs and the ship's electrical load.
Figure 3-1.--Engineering control and surveillance system.