One of the most remarkable design features of a gas
turbine-powered ship is the fact that the engineering
(DD-963, DDG-993, AND CG-47
plant can be operated, monitored, and controlled from a
central area located away from the actual equipment and
systems. The engineering control system makes this
The ECSS is the automated electronic control and
possible. Currently, three major designs of engineering
monitoring system used on the DD-963, DDG-993, and
control systems exist for gas turbine ships. The DD-963,
CG-47 class ships. This system uses both analog and
DDG-993, and CG-47 class ships use the engineering
digital circuitry. The ECSS can control the propulsion
p l a n t , electric plant, and supporting auxiliary
control and surveillance system (ECSS) to operate the
gas turbine equipment. The FFG-7 class ships use the
engineering plant control system to both operate and
monitor the gas turbine equipment. The relatively new
DDG-51 class ships use the machinery control system
(MCS) to both control and monitor the gas turbine
The ECSS communicates control commands to
the engineering plant equipment. The system also
p r o v i d e s the operator with various monitoring
After reading this chapter and completing the
features. The system provides the following major
associated nonresident training course (NRTC), you
control features:
should have a good understanding of the function and
Automatic sequencing of the starting or stopping
operation of the major engineering control systems used
o f the propulsion gas turbines, including
on gas turbine-powered ships. Remember, this material
automatic control of the main reduction gear
is meant for training purposes only. It is not meant to
(MRG) brakes and clutches during propulsion
replace the engineering operational sequencing system
plant mode changes.
(EOSS) or the technical manuals.
Throttle and pitch control, providing integrated
The control consoles associated with the
(combined) one-lever control for each shaft. This
engineering control systems will not be discussed, in
feature automatically schedules the rpm and
depth, in this chapter. Gas Turbine Systems Technician
pitch to their proper values for the engine order
( E l e c t r i c a l ) 3/Gas Turbine Systems Technician
telegraph (EOT) order given.
( M e c h a n i c a l ) 3, Volume 2, contains a detailed
C e n t r a l i z e d control of the electric plant,
d e s c r i p t i o n of the control consoles used on gas
including initiation of gas turbine generator set
turbine-powered ships.
(GTGS) starting and automatic sequencing of
paralleling operations.
After reading this chapter, you should be familiar
with the operation of the engineering control systems
Automatic sequencing and operation of some
and be able to discuss how they relate to the engineering
o f the propulsion support and auxiliary
plant. While you may never work on all types of control
s y s t e m s , this chapter should provide you enough
The system also provides monitoring features that
information to help you advance in rate. As you become
include display of equipment status, annunciation of
senior in the GS rating, this introduction to engineering
abnormal conditions, and printed records of major
control systems will be helpful in your watch-station
engineering plant parameters. A one-line diagram of the
ECSS is shown in figure 3-1.