ship. The system provides the following major control
specific card and retrieve its own calibration constant.
The computer will then compare the card against the
constant and inform you if the set point is too high, too
Automatic sequencing of the starting or stopping
low, or right on. Using a screwdriver, adjust the
of the propulsion gas turbines.
potentiometer until the RIGHT ON light illuminates. If
the card fails to calibrate, replace it.
T h r o t t l e and pitch control, providing pro-
grammed (combined) one-lever control for the
Now that you have read about the ECSS used on the
shaft. This feature automatically schedules the
DD-963, DDG-993, and CG-47 class ships, let's look at
rpm and pitch to their proper values for the
the engineering control system used on the FFG-7 class
commanded EOT order.
Centralized control of the electric plant, includ-
ing initiation of ship's service diesel generator
(SSDG) starting and automatic sequencing of
paralleling operations.
The engineering control system is found on the
Automatic sequencing and operation of some of
FFG-7 class ships. It consists of several consoles within
the propulsion support and auxiliary equipment.
the engineering plant that are part of the automated
electronic control and monitoring system.
The system also provides monitoring features that
include display of equipment status, annunciation of
a b n o r m a l conditions, printed records of major
engineering plant parameters, and a printed record of the
bell log. A diagram showing the relationship between
The engineering control system can control and
consoles of the engineering control system is shown in
monitor the propulsion plant, auxiliary machinery, fire-
figure 3-2.
extinguishing systems, and bilge levels throughout the
Figure 3-2.--Engineering plant control system.