discuss the operation of the PACC and EPCC in the
2. Lube oil system
following paragraphs.
3. Air system
4. GTE control
5. EOT control
The propulsion plant control systems monitor and
6. Throttle and pitch
control the performance and operation of the equipment
of the main propulsion systems. The operation of this
7. Plant mode
equipment is controlled from the PACC. The remotely
8. Auxiliaries
produced commands from the PACC operate controls
either to sequence the operation of the main propulsion
Refer to the EOSS, the EOP, and technical manuals for
equipment or to control subsystem operation.
a detailed description of the operation of these systems.
T h e PACC contains the electronic equipment
capable of controlling and monitoring both propulsion
Fuel Oil Service System
plants and most of the ship's auxiliary systems. Figure
3-4 shows that each panel of the PACC is dedicated to
The fuel oil service system control and monitoring
particular types of control and monitoring. In this
functions available at the PACC can be divided into two
section, we will briefly discuss the following control
major categories: (1) fuel oil service control and
systems that are operated from the PACC:
monitoring, and (2) gas turbine module fuel oil control
1. Fuel oil service system
and monitoring. Together they function to deliver fuel
Figure 3-4.--PACC layout.