Figure 6-3.--PCC status and fuse panel.
illuminates when the internal temperature of the
To the right side of engine start panel 1A is
LOP is greater than 160F. The last indicator on
the status and fuse panel (fig. 6-3). It has
this panel is for the power supply enclosure and
indicators for the PCC, the LOP, and the power
is labeled ALARM. It illuminates when a
supply enclosure and two sections of fuses.
monitored voltage in the PSEA has fallen below
On the upper left side of the status and fuse
panel are three status indicators for the PCC. The
its set point or the internal temperature of the
PCC or LOP console is high.
first indicator is labeled OVERTEMP and is used
Underneath these indicators are two sections
to monitor the internal temperature of the
of fuses. The section to the left is 28VDC fuses
console cabinet. This is set at 160F. The
for the power fed to the panels. The fuses in the
second indicator is a split-legend indicator.
right section are for the 115VAC fed to other
The upper half is labeled 28VDC UPS AVAIL-
components indicated on the panel.
ABLE. This indicator illuminates when 28
volts dc from the power supply enclosure
Engine Start Panels
assembly (PSEA) is available. The lower half
of the indicator is labeled HEATERS ON
The two engine start panels are mirror images
and illuminates when the console heaters
of each other. They have identical push buttons
are energized. It will not be illuminated
and indicators. These indicators and controls are
during a lamp test. The last indicator for the
used to monitor or control the start of one of the
PCC on this section of the panel is the MAINT
GTEs. Figure 6-4 shows panel 1B.
MODE indicator. It illuminates when the
operate/test switch of the processor on the
maintenance panel is in the test position. The
prestart status section (A) has 10 split-legend
only time this should illuminate is when a
indicators that display the status of 18 components
maintenance person is working on the system.
in the plant before start. These 18 indicators are
If it is illuminated, the DDIs and programmed
called the GTE prestart permissives. We will start
control may or may not be operating.
our description at the top outside indicator and
The next indicator on this section is for the
go across the top row, and then continue with the
LOP. It is labeled OVERTEMP. This indicator