Operation of main propulsion GTEs is done
for operating and monitoring the ship's engineer-
from several different locations. The major classes
ing plant. To stand these watches, you must be
of Navy ships that use the LM2500 GTE have
familiar with the operation of the equipment in
three control points. The first control station is
CCS. This equipment includes the PCC, the DCC,
in the engine room. It is called the local operating
the EPCC, the ACC, and the bell and data
panel (LOP) on the FFG-class ships. On the CG-
loggers. Some of this equipment, along with ship
and DD-class ships, it is called the propulsion
class differences, have been discussed in previous
local control console (PLCC). It is called the shaft
chapters. Chapters 8 and 9 of this TRAMAN
control unit (SCU) on the new 51 class
contain additional information on the EPCCs and
ships. The engine-room control consoles are the
the ACCs.
primary control consoles. This is not to say that
The equipment design allows for a minimum
the engine-room console is in control all the time.
number of watch standers for the entire engineer-
When we say primary control console, we mean
ing plant. Alarms and status indicators keep the
it may take control from any other remote
CCS operators aware of plant conditions. Digital
station at any time. For example, on a ship
displays and meters show the parameters, while
operating with the throttle control at the pilot
switches and push buttons allow control of the
house, if the engine-room operator places the
throttle control to local, automatically the engine
Just knowing the location of the lights, push
room assumes control of the throttle operation.
buttons, and switches is not enough. You must
The next level of control is in the CCS. The
also know the operation of the entire plant.
CCS is normally the control station for starting,
Without a working knowledge of the plant,
stopping, and monitoring the LM2500 GTE. On
pushing the wrong push button could endanger
the FFG-class ships the console in this station is
the equipment, the ship's maneuverability, or your
called the PCC. In this chapter we will discuss
only the PCC located in the CCS and the LOP
After reading this chapter, you should be
located in the MER on an FFG. The other
familiar with the operation of the PCC in the CCS
control consoles located in CCS are discussed in
and the LOP in the MER and be able to discuss
depth in later chapters. On the twin-shaft GTE-
how they relate to the engineering plant. Like
powered ships, the main engine control is called
other material in this TRAMAN, this chapter will
the propulsion and auxiliary control console
only familiarize you with the equipment. To
qualify on any engineering watch station, you
The third level of control is on the bridge. This
should always use the EOSS and the Personnel
station, known as the ship control console (SCC)
Qualification Standard (PQS).
(or bridge control unit (BCU) on the 51
class), may have direct throttle control of the
After reading this chapter and completing the
engineering plant. This allows the officer of the
associated NRTC, you should gain enough
deck (OOD) to have direct throttle and pitch
knowledge to start qualifying on the propulsion
control, eliminating the need to pass an engine
consoles in CCS and the MER. While you may
order verbally to CCS. Quicker maneuvering of
never work on an FFG-class ship, this chapter
the ship is possible with control at the SCC.
should provide you enough equipment informa-
Gas Turbine Systems Technicians on the FFG-
tion to help you advance in rate. As you become
class ships, like those on the other class GTE-
senior in the GS rating, this introduction to the
powered ships, stand most of their watches in the
FFG control equipment will be helpful in your
CCS. The watch standers in CCS are responsible
watch-station qualifications.