Figure 5-20.--Alarm test panel.
the operator depresses the ALARM ACK push
button to turn them off. Moving the toggle switch
to the STATUS position illuminates all the status
The alarm test panel (fig. 5-20) is divided
indicators for the selected panel. After the
into four sections labeled GTM A, TEST,
STATUS test, the toggle switch is placed back in
the OFF position and all the status indicators
extinguish. During a panel STATUS test, any
GTM A Section
digital display will indicate 888***. This provides
a test of all segments of each digit of the digital
The GTM A section is a mirror image of the
GTM B section on the PLCC SELF TEST panel.
The push buttons under the heading INITIATE
TEST Section
are used to test the audible alarms. There are three
categories of audible alarms. They are, in order
This section is used to test the alarm and status
of increasing priority, the BELL, the HORN, and
indicators on the various panels of the console.
the SIREN.
Under the heading INITIATE are three push
buttons labeled BELL, HORN, SIREN, and a
three-position toggle switch labeled STATUS,
POWER Section
OFF, and ALARM. Under the heading SELECT
is a three-position rotary switch labeled LEFT,
This section is used to monitor the console
power supplies. It has an alarm indicator labeled
The alarm and status tests are performed by
EMERGENCY and a status indicator labeled
selecting the panel of the console (left, center, or
NORMAL. When the EMERGENCY indicator
right panel) to be tested with the SELECT switch.
is illuminated, the console is being supplied by the
By placing the toggle switch to the ALARM
UPS system (150 volts dc). Under normal
position, all the alarm indicators on the selected
conditions the NORMAL status indicator is
panel illuminate flashing. After the ALARM test,
illuminated, indicating the console is being
the toggle switch is placed in the OFF position.
supplied by 120 volts ac from ship's power.
At this point, the alarms illuminate steady until