Figure 5-18.--Self test panel.
LUBE OIL Section
controls and alarm/status indicators for the CRP
and MRG LO system. This panel is divided into
This section has the identical alarm indicators,
five sections, GTM A, CRP, LUBE OIL,
dual-indicating meter, push-button control
indicators, and three-position rotary switch
described on the LUBE OIL section of the PACC
engine No. 2 panel. There are three control
indicators on this panel that are slightly different.
GTM A Section
The PLCC LUBE OIL section does not have the
PURIFIER ON indicator. Also, under the
The GTM A section of the GTM A panel is
heading CONTROL TRANSFER is a split-
a mirror image of and performs the same
legend, push-button control indicator labeled
function as the GTM B section of the PLCC GTM
REMOTE/LOCAL. This push button is used to
B panel.
transfer LO system control to and from the
PACC. It illuminates the CCS CONTROL/
PLCC CONTROL status indicator at the PACC.
CRP Section
The PLCC LUBE OIL section also has an
additional edgewise meter under the heading
SUMP LEVEL. This meter displays the MRG
This section of the GTM A panel on the PLCC
sump level in gals x 10 .
is NOT a mirror image of the CRP section on the
PACC engine room No. 2 panel, but it does have
the identical alarm indicators and push-button
control indicators. These indicators will not be
The self test panel (fig. 5-18) is used to test
described again. The difference between the two
the GTM start, the GTM stop, and the cooling
sections is that this section of the GTM A panel
air control electronics. It also has the start/stop
has a single edgewise meter to monitor HYD
controls for GTM B. This panel is divided into
PRESS vice the dual-indicating meter found on
two sections labeled START/STOP SELF TEST
the PACC which monitors both the pressure and
and GTM B.