Under the heading MANUAL START are 12
panel that was described previously. The one
push-button control indicators (9 on the CG
exception is that on the PLCC FO section, the
console) used for the manual start of the GTM.
lower left, push-button control indicator under
All but one of these control indicators were
the heading CONTROL TRANSFER is labeled
described under the description of the PACC
CONTROL. The PLCC operator uses this push
GTM B panel. The one exception is on the DD
PLCC. It is a push-button control indicator
button to transfer control of the FO system to the
labeled FUEL LOW TEMP OVRD. If the FO
temperature is below 80F, the PLCC operator
GTM B Section
can depress this push button. It provides a logic
The GTM B section has 23 alarm/status
override step that allows the GTM to be started
indicators (25 on the CG console), 4 toggle
in the MANUAL or AUTO initiate mode.
Below and to the left of the MANUAL
switches, a two-position key switch, 2 timers,
START push-button control indicators are three
16 push-button control indicators (13 on the
additional push-button control indicators (two
CG console), and 2 dual-indicating meters (1
on the CG console). The first push-button
on the CG console). These components are all
control indicator is a split-legend type labeled
used for the control/monitoring of GTM B in the
COMPUTER TEST ON/PASS. When depressed,
applicable engine room.
it starts a test of the torque computer and
Under the heading GTM B, the first five
illuminates PASS if the test was satisfactory.
horizontal rows of alarm/indicators have already
Below this control switch is a momentary contact
been described in the PACC engine No. 2 panel
description. Under the heading WATER WASH
push-button control indicator labeled PT OVSP
TRIP RESET. This switch is depressed to reset
is an alarm/indicator labeled TANK EMPTY. It
the main fuel valves after an overspeed trip.
illuminates amber when the water wash tank is
empty of water wash or rinse solution. The two-
position toggle switch under the heading WASH
is labeled ON/OFF. It is used to open/close the
Do NOT depress this switch until the
water wash solenoid valves. To the right of this
engine comes to a complete stop. If
switch on the DD console is a two-position
depressed, the fuel valves may reopen,
toggle switch labeled SPARE that is not used.
causing a post shutdown fire.
However, on the CG PLCC this switch is used
to control the water wash heaters. It is under the
To the right of this switch (DD console only)
heading HEATERS and is labeled ON/OFF.
is a third push-button control indicator labeled
To the right of the HEATERS toggle switch
VIB ANALYSER TEST ON. When depressed,
are two status indicators, labeled OUT OF
it tests the vibration analyser circuits in the PLCC.
SERVICE and NORMAL. These status indicators
The two dual-indicating meters (one on the
show the actual position of the key switch located
CG console) are identical to the ones described
below them. The status indicator OUT OF
previously on the PACC MIMIC panel.
SERVICE illuminates amber when the key switch
The last two toggle switches are of the two-
is in the OFF position. This position electronically
position guarded type. They are used by the
locks out the start air valve so that the GTM
PLCC operator to test the individual integrity of
cannot be started or motored. The indicator
the MAIN FUEL VALVES (NO 1 or NO 2).
NORMAL illuminates green when the key switch
Below these toggle switches under the heading
is in the ON position and the GTM is ready to
CONTROL TRANSFER is a split-legend,
operate, provided other external parameters are
control push-button labeled ENABLE/INHIBIT.
This push button enables the transfer of control
To the right of the key switch under the
of the GTM controls to the PACC.
heading START COUNTER is a digital counter.
This counter registers a start each time T5.4 is
> 400F and NGG is > 4300 rpm for 0.25 seconds.
To the right of this counter, under the heading
The emergency controls section is a mirror
GTM TIMER, is the other digital counter. It
image of the 2B emergency controls section on
records the actual running time (in hours) for the
the PACC engine room No. 1 demands panel
GTM once the START COUNTER requirements
described previously.
have been met.