Figure 7-2.--Overall view of the EOOW/LU (door removed).
monitoring and controlling functions for the
console. Through multiplexers, the computer
monitors plant status and generates control
The Al panel is divided into three sections.
commands. Through panel distributors, the
These sections have the controls and indicators
computer lights lamps, sounds sirens, and
for the fuse assembly, the bubble memory, and
detects button actions. The bubble memory
the AN/USH-26(V) tape unit.
in the consoles serve the same function as
the disk drives on a personal computer:
it holds data. The principle function of the
Fuse Assembly Section
bubble memory units for all consoles is to
store the computer program that "runs" the
The fuse assembly section has nine 28-volt
console. The bubble memory unit is also
dc power loss indicator/fuse holders. Each
used to load programs into the bubble memory
indicator illuminates white to indicate a loss
cassettes that store the programs for the
of power to its respective unit. Starting at
computers in the consoles. A detailed description
the left on the top row, the first fuse is
of the bubble memory is discussed later in
for the console cooling fans. The next two
this chapter.
fuses are for the left and right plasma screens,
respectively. On the second row, the first
The AN/USH-26(V) tape unit is used as a data
logger to record machinery status changes and
fuse is for the bridge control unit (BCU)
alarm conditions for the MCS. This tape unit
plasma display, and the third fuse is for
is also used in the bubble memory loading
the combat information center (CIC) plasma
display. On the third row, the first fuse