Automatically every hour on the hour
supply circuits. The other fuse holder has a spare
2-amp fuse for repairs.
button on the PACC or BCU or the special
function key on the EOOW/LU keyboard
is depressed
Mounted vertically down the left side of the
printer are two toggle switches, two LEDs, and
two fuse holders. The first toggle switch, labeled
SLEW/TEST, is a three-position return-to-center
type. When placed in the SLEW position, it causes
the paper to advance through the printer. In the
TEST position, the printer will print a repetitive
test pattern. Each pattern is a full character set
of the printer. The LED indicator below this
toggle switch is labeled LOW PPR. It illuminates
green to show that less than 15 feet of paper
remain on the supply roll.
Below the LOW PPR indicator is another
LED labeled PWR ON. This LED works with the
two-position ON/OFF toggle switch located
directly below it. When the switch is in the ON
position, the LED illuminates green to indicate
power is available at the printer. In the OFF
position, power is secured to the printer and the
LED is not illuminated. The two fuse holders are
labeled 2A FUSE and SPARE. The first fuse
The operator at the EOOW/LU uses this
section to input commands to the plasma display
holder contains the 2-amp fuse that provides
assemblies. The keyboard assembly (fig. 7-4)
overcurrent protection for the printer power