The LED illuminates green (after a 5-minute cool-
down period) when the off state is reached.
subsection we will describe only the controls and
indicators for GTE 2B. The controls and
To the right of the four vertical push buttons
indicators for GTE 2A, 1A, and 1B are a mirror
is a vertical row of three push buttons. The top
image. There are 6 LEDs, 3 LED meters, and 11
push button, labeled EMER STOP, is a guarded-
push buttons for each GTE in this subsection.
type push button used by the operator to
emergency stop the GTE in the event of an
Starting at the top left below the heading GAS
unsafe condition. When depressed, it illuminates
TURBINE 2B is a horizontal row of four LEDs.
red and causes the GTE to go directly to off and
The first LED, labeled TEMP HIGH, illuminates
bypass the cool-down period. Below the EMER
red to show T5.4 has exceeded the alarm set
STOP push button is two push buttons labeled
point. The second LED, labeled ICING,
BATTLE OVRD ON (illuminates amber) and
illuminates amber to show icing conditions exist
BATTLE OVRD OFF (illuminates green). The
at the gas turbine inlet. The third LED, labeled
AUTO SHUT DOWN, illuminates red to show
operator uses these push buttons to activate or
an automatic shutdown of the GTE has been
deactivate the battle override feature of the
initiated. The last LED, labeled PRESS LOW,
control electronics. When activated, battle
illuminates red to show the GTE LO supply
override prevents all auto shutdowns (except
pressure has fallen below the alarm set point.
overspeed) and speed limiting during critical
operating conditions.
Located below the four LEDs are three LED
meters. The meter to the left is labeled PWR
To the right of these three push buttons and
below the LUBO SPLY PRESS LED meter is an
TURB INLET TEMP. It illuminates to display
LED and two push buttons. The LED illuminates
the actual T5.4 in F. This meter has a range of
red to show a fire has been detected in the GTE
0 to 2000. The center LED meter is labeled GAS
module. The push button, labeled PRI HALON
RLSE, is a red backlighted guarded type. When
12,000 and illuminates to show the actual Ng g.
depressed, it initiates the primary halon release
The last LED meter is labeled LUBO SPLY
sequence to the GTE module. It illuminates to
PRESS. It has a range of 0 to 100 and illuminates
indicate the sequence has started. During the
to show the actual GTE LO supply pressure.
release sequence, a PRI HALON ACTUATED
Mounted vertically below the T5.4 LED meter
message is displayed on the plasma display.
Several seconds later, the PRI HALON RLSE
are two push buttons for the bleed air. They are
indicator illuminates to indicate the Halon system
has been pressurized. The push button, labeled
respectively. These push buttons are used by the
RSV HALON RLSE, is a red backlighted guarded
operator to open/close the GTE bleed air valve
type. When depressed, it initiates the secondary
and will illuminate individually to show the valve
halon release sequence to the GTE module. It
illuminates to indicate the sequence has started.
To the right of the two bleed air push
buttons is a vertical row of four push buttons.
The top push button is labeled MOTOR.
section is used by the operator to select which
When depressed by the operator, it illuminates
system will be used to start the GTE. It has two
amber and places the GTE in a motor state.
push buttons. The top push button is labeled
The second push button, labeled ON LINE,
HIGH PRESS. When depressed, it illuminates
illuminates green when depressed to bring the
amber to indicate the operator has selected HP
GTE to the on line state. The third push
air for the GTE start. The second push button
button, labeled ON, illuminates green to bring
is labeled BLEED AIR. When depressed, it
t h e GTE to the on state. The last push
illuminates green to indicate the operator has
button in the row is labeled NORM STOP/CL
selected bleed air for the GTE start.
DN. When depressed, it illuminates green
to bring the GTE automatically to the cool
down and then to the off state. To the left
uses this section to control the GTE FO valves.
of this push button is an LED labeled OFF.