PACC operator to test control panel indicators.
FUEL SERVICE.--Under the heading FUEL
When depressed, all indicators light, all LED
SERVICE are the controls and indicators used by
meter segments light to indicate full scale, and
the operator to monitor the port and starboard
digital displays will indicate all 8's.
fuel service system. It has an LED, three push
buttons for pump control, and two push buttons
for valve control for each of the four systems. The
systems and pumps are labeled PORT (2-B and
2-A) and STBD (1-B and 1-A). As the controls
and indicators for each system are identical, we
will describe only the port 2-B system.
The LED is located under the heading TANK
2-B LEVEL LOW. It illuminates amber when the
FO level in the service tank is below the alarm set
point. The first three push buttons are located
vertically under the heading PUMP 2-B. They are
respectively. Each push button illuminates green
when the pump is in the state indicated either as
a result of the automatic control feature or
operator actuation.
The last two push buttons are located under
Thrust Setting Section
They are labeled OPEN and CLOSE, respectively.
These push buttons are used by the operator to
There is a thrust setting section for each shaft
open and close the FO service tank suction and
return valves. When depressed, the push buttons
(port and starboard). The sections are mirror
image so we will describe only the port thrust
illuminate green when both valves are in the
setting section. These sections are located to the
position commanded (full open or full closed).
upper left and upper right side of the programmed
control levers. Each section has an LED and
four digital displays. The LED, under the heading
EOT ALERT, illuminates amber to indicate a
difference exists between the BCU port program
control lever (order) setting and the PACC
program lever (actual) setting. Two of the digital
indicators are located under the heading SHAFT
SPEED. The first indicator is labeled ORDER
RPM. It is a three-digit display that indicates the
port shaft speed (order) as determined by the
setting of the BCU programmed control lever. The
second indicator is labeled ACK RPM. It is a
Console Section
three-digit display that indicates the port shaft
This section is located between the PROPUL-
speed (actual) demand output as determined by
the position of the PACC programmed control
SION AUX section and the port THRUST
SETTING section. It has three push buttons
mounted vertically. The first push button, labeled
The other two digital indicators are located
ALARM ACK, is used by the operator to silence
audible alarms, cause flashing alarm indicators
under the heading PROP PITCH. The first
for active alarms to go to a steady state, and
indicator is labeled ORDER PERCENT. It is a
sign plus three-digit display that indicates the
plasnia display alarm messages to change from
ordered port propeller pitch as determined by the
unacknowledged to acknowledged state. The
setting of the BCU programmed control lever. The
second push button, labeled BELL LOG PRINT
is used by the PACC operator to obtain a bell log
second indicator is labeled ACK PERCENT. It
is a sign plus three-digit display that indicates the
printout at the EOOW/LU. The last push
port propeller pitch (actual) demand output as
button, labeled LAMP TEST, is used by the