Figure 7-8.--SCU.
of GTE-powered ships. The starboard shaft is
driven by the GTEs in MER 1 and is controlled
and monitored by the SCU 1. The port shaft is
The SCUs (fig. 7-8) are operationally identical
driven by the GTEs in MER 2 and is controlled
and only minor panel nomenclature makes them
and monitored by the SCU 2. Both SCUs monitor
physically different. The SCU is divided into three
panels: the propulsion monitor panel (Al), the
and control the propulsion plants for their
respective shaft, including auxiliary systems such
thrust/auxiliary panel (A2), and the horizontal
LO. Control levers mounted on the SCU provide
The descriptions provided in this section are
the thrust setting ability when GTE control is at
applicable to both SCU 1 and SCU 2. Where the
nomenclature is different, SCU 2 nomenclature
the SCU.
will be indicated in parentheses. As in previous
chapters, the description of the controls and
indicators on the console panels will be covered
The controls and indicators on this panel
from left to right, top to bottom.
(fig. 7-9) are identical to the controls and
There are two SCUs, one located in MER 1
indicators on the PACC propulsion monitor
and one located in MER 2. Each of these
panel, with the exception being quantity. As
previously stated, the PACC has the controls and
their associated integrated electronic control (IEC)
indicators to monitor all four GTEs and both
cabinets. The IEC cabinet performs basically the
MRGs, while the SCU has the controls and
same functions as the FSEE on the other classes