It has one LED and four identical pairs of push
We will describe only the four push buttons for
buttons used to monitor/control the two fuel
the 1B LO system pumps. The first push button,
systems (1B and 1A). Each system has a vertical
labeled AUTO LEAD, is a green backlighted push
column of four push buttons. The LED is
button used to select pump 1B(1A) as the lead
common to both systems. We will only describe
pump in automatic control mode. The second
the four push buttons for the 1B system.
push button, labeled HIGH SPEED, is a green
backlighted push-button indicator the operator
At the top of this subsection is an LED,
uses to place pump 1B(1A) in high speed (manual
labeled PRESS LOW, which monitors both
mode) and illuminates to indicate pump speed in
systems. It illuminates red to show a low fuel
the automatic mode. The third push button,
pressure condition exists on a running GTE.
labeled LOW SPEED, is a green backlighted
The first two push buttons are labeled MODULE
push-button indicator the operator uses to place
V A L V E OPEN (illuminates green) and
pump 1B(1A) in low speed (manual mode) and
MODULE VALVE CLOSE (illuminates amber),
illuminates to indicate pump speed in the
respectively. The operator uses these push buttons
automatic mode. The last push button for the LO
to open/close the module fuel valve, which
pumps, labeled OFF, is a green backlighted push-
permits or shuts off fuel flow to the module.
button indicator the operator uses to stop pump
When depressed, they will illuminate appropriately.
The next two push buttons are labeled PURGE
The last two of the 11 push buttons on the
VALVE ON (illuminates amber) and PURGE
mimic are under the heading BRAKE MODE.
VALVE OFF (illuminates green), respectively.
They are labeled ON (illuminates amber) and OFF
The operator uses these push buttons to open/
(illuminates green), respectively. These push
close the GTE fuel purge valve when purging the
buttons are used by the operator to control the
fuel system. When depressed, they will illuminate
PT brakes. When the push button labeled ON is
depressed, it causes the GTEs to go to idle, PT
brakes to engage (if NPT is below 2300 rpm), and
propeller pitch to go to zero. Depressing the
subsection has two mirror image MRG mimics.
BRAKE MODE OFF push button when the brake
mode is on causes the PT brakes to release,
It is used to monitor the port and starboard
removes the idle speed and zero pitch command
MRGs. Each mimic has an LED meter, 4 LED
indicators, 11 push buttons, and 2 digital
and allows these commands to return to the
demand set on the programmed control lever.
indicators. We will describe only the port MRG
To the right of these two push buttons are the
last two LED indicators on the mimic. The
The LED meter, labeled HYDR MOST
first LED, labeled BEARING TEMP HIGH,
REMOTE BRG PRESS, is located on the left side
illuminates red to indicate a reduction gear
of each mimic. It has a range of 0 to 100 psig and
bearing temperature is at or above its alarm set
is used to indicate actual LO pressure at the MRG
point. The operator identifies the specific
most remote bearing. Associated with this LED
bearing causing the alarm on the plasma display.
meter, and located to the right of it, is an LED
labeled PRESS LOW. When illuminated, it
illuminates amber to show the turning gear is
indicates pressure at the most remote bearing is
at or below the alarm set point. To the right of
The first of the two digital indicators is located
this LED indicator, under the heading MOTOR
below and to the left of the nine push buttons used
DRIVEN SERVICE PUMPS, are nine push-
to control the motor-driven LO pumps. It is
button indicators. They are used to control the
under the heading SHAFT SPEED and labeled
LO pumps. The push button labeled MANUAL
ACTUAL RPM. It has a range of 0 to 200 rpm
is common to both 1B and 1A LO systems. It is
and displays the actual shaft rpm. To the right
an amber backlighted push button that, when
of this indicator, under the heading PROP
depressed, allows the operator to have manual
PITCH, is the second digital indicator. It is
control of the LO pumps speed.
labeled ACTUAL PERCENT and indicates actual
propeller pitch in percentage of maximum design
Eight of the push buttons (four for each
for ahead (+) and astern () pitch.
system) are pairs that are identical as to function.