Figure 7-3.--AN/USH-26 front panel controls and indicators (door removed).
is used to place the tape drive in the operational
illuminates to show the AN/USH-26(V) is
operating with computer 2.
(on line) or non-operational (off line) condition.
Below this toggle switch is a rotary switch labeled
To the extreme right of the four LEDs for
EJECT/UNLOAD. The rotary switch is used by
drive No. 1 is an LED, labeled BATTLE SHORT,
the operator to unload or mechanically eject the
and a two-position toggle switch, labeled
tape cartridge from the tape drive assembly.
ON/OFF. When the toggle switch is in the ON
At the bottom of each tape drive assembly is
position, the overtemperature shutdown is dis-
a horizontal row of four LEDs. The first LED
abled and the LED illuminates red. When the
toggle switch is in the OFF position, the over-
at the left, labeled SEL, has a clear lens and
illuminates to show the respective tape drive has
temperature shutdown is enabled. To the right of
been selected. The second LED, labeled SAFE,
the BATTLE SHORT toggle switch is a two-
illuminates to show the respective tape drive is file
position return-to-neutral toggle switch, labeled
protected (cannot be written over). The third
MASTER CLEAR. When activated to either
LED, labeled BUSY, illuminates to show the
position, it resets the AN/USH-26(V) electronics.
respective tape drive is performing a motion
Below the LED labeled BATTLE SHORT is
command. The last LED, labeled OPR INT,
an LED labeled POWER and a two-position toggle
switch labeled ON/OFF. When set to the ON
illuminates to show that some form of operator
position, it enables primary power to the
intervention is required for the respective tape
AN/USH-26(V) and the LED labeled POWER
illuminates. In the OFF position, primary power
Located towards the bottom right corner of
to the AN/USH-26(V) is disabled.
the unit, and mounted vertically, is a three-
position toggle switch and two LEDs. The toggle
To the right of the POWER toggle switch and
LED is the last LED and a three-position toggle
switch positions are labeled CMPTR1 /MPX/
switch. The LED is labeled OVERTEMP and
CMPTR2. When the toggle switch is in the
CMPTR1 position, the top LED illuminates to
illuminates red when the ambient temperature
within the AN/USH-26(V) > 140F. The three-
show the AN/USH-26(V) is operating with
position toggle switch is labeled ALARM
computer 1. In the MPX position, the AN/USH-
26(V) is operating with computer 1 or computer 2,
or with both computers 1 and 2 (multiplex).
position, the audible alarms are enabled. In the
OFF position, the audible alarms are disabled.
In the CMPTR2 position, the bottom LED