When set to the TEST position, the audible alarms
Plasma Display Section
sound and all the LEDs labeled HOT and
OVERTEMP illuminate.
The plasma display provides the operator
with machinery status and alarm information
required to control and monitor the propulsion
The A2 panel is used by the EOOW to monitor
machinery. This section contains two plasma
selected parameters of the engineering plant.
displays, which use the keyboard, located
There are basically three sections on this panel;
on the keyboard control section, to request
the console section, which has two LEDs, a three-
various displays. At any one time, only one
position rotary select switch, and a momentary-
of the plasma displays functions as a con-
contact push button; the plasma display section,
trollable display. The plasma display provides
which has two plasma displays; and the printer
operator information in two display modes
section, which has a thermal printer and its
called status/alarm and summary. In addition,
controls and indicators.
up to nine lines of analog status information
may be displayed on the lower portion of
Console Section
the display. The display is driven by the
The two LEDs are mounted at the top and to
AN/UYK-44 computer over a 16-bit parallel
the left of the left plasma display. The first
data channel. The operator controls the data
presented on the controllable display by typing
illuminates red to show an overtemperature
commands into a keyboard that is switchable
condition exists in either of the console power
between the plasma displays.
supplies. The second LED is labeled UPS IN USE.
It illuminates to show the console is operating on
Printer Section
battery power.
Below the two LEDs is the three-position
rotary switch labeled CONTROLLED DISPLAY.
The bell logging function for the MCS is
The three positions of this switch are labeled
implemented by a medium-speed, microcomputer-
LEFT, NONE, and RIGHT. This switch is used
controlled thermal printer that mounts to the front
to connect the plasma display keyboard to the left,
of the EOOW/LU. The printer accepts ASCII-
right, or neither plasma display. Beneath the
coded character data from the AN/UYK-44
computer and prints the characters in a 40-column
CONTROLLED DISPLAY rotary switch is the
format at a rate of 160 lines per minute. The
momentary-contact push button labeled LAMP
TEST. When depressed, it performs an opera-
characters print out on 4 1/4-inch wide heat
tional test of the two LEDs labeled CONSOLE
sensitive paper. The printer forms each character
by printing predetermined dots within a 7 by
9 dot matrix.
The logger prints bell commands as well as
changes in the propulsion system status. The
bell log printout is initiated when any of the
following events occur:
A change in control station for either shaft
A change in bridge order mode
When the BCU is in the rpm/pitch
ordering mode and there is a change in an
When the BCU is in the maneuvering bells
mode and the BCU programmed control
lever is moved to a new order band