Located in the center of the firemain control
pressure. The alarm indicator illuminates amber
panel are two horizontal meters. One is labeled
to indicate a low pump riser pressure.
applicable on the CG). The LOOP AND RISER
PRESSURE meter displays pressures from
selected points in the firemain loop. This meter,
scaled from 0 to 200 psig, is used in conjunction
with the nine LOW PRESSURE/METER push-
button indicators. The PUMP DISCHARGE
PRESSURE meter, also scaled from 0 to 200 psig,
Located on the suction and discharge side of
displays the discharge pressure of any one of the
each fire pump is a split-legend push-button
six fire pumps and is used in conjunction with the
indicator labeled OPEN and CLOSE. There
six DISCH PRESSURE indicator push buttons.
are 12 identical OPEN/CLOSE push-button
indicators on the firemain control panel. The
indicators illuminate green to indicate the
respective fire pump discharge or suction valve
is open. They illuminate white to indicate the
respective fire pump discharge or suction valve
is closed. There is no control for the fire pump
discharge and suction valves on the DCC, only
The next component is a 0 to 200 psig gauge
and alarm indicator push button labeled PORT
PRESS LOW (not applicable on the DD). This
meter continuously monitors the port loop of the
Located at the discharge of each fire pump is
firemain system. The alarm indicator illuminates
an indicator push button labeled DISCH
amber to indicate a low pressure on the port loop.
PRESSURE (not applicable on the CG). There
There is an identical pressure gauge and alarm
are six identical indicator push buttons, one for
indicator labeled STBD PRESS LOW monitors
each fire pump discharge. When depressed,
the starboard loop.
indicates the fire pump discharge pressure for the
selected pump. The DISCH PRESSURE indicator
push button illuminates white.
Located on each firemain riser is a gauge and
Located at the discharge of each fire pump,
alarm indicator labeled RISER PRESS LOW (not
on the CG console, is a gauge and alarm indicator
applicable on the DD). There are six identical
labeled DSCHG PRESS LOW (not applicable on
gauges and alarm indicators, one for each fire
the DD). There are six identical gauges and alarm
pump riser. The riser pressure gauge, scaled from
indicators, one for each fire pump discharge. The
0 to 200 psig, monitors the fire pump riser
discharge pressure gauge is scaled from 0 to 200