Detailed instructions for starting, operating, and
receiving this equipment are contained in the
Damage Control System Console technical
Power Application
The DCC is energized from the fuse and CB
panel. The three power supply panel switches (S1,
S2, and S3) should be in the ON position. Placing
the MAIN POWER CB (CB1) in the ON position
energizes the DCC. All power supply indicator
lights should be on. Since application of power
to the console may cause some circuits to alarm,
all flashing push-button indicators should be
The hazard detection panel and the firemain
Figure 9-21.--Auxiliary control console.
panel are equipped with alarm and lamp tests.
Normal Securing
ALARM TEST push buttons for each half of the
hazard detection panel and for the firemain panel.
The DCC is secured by placing the MAIN
Exercise each group independently. Momentarily
POWER CB in the OFF position.
depressing a HAZARD ALARM TEST switch
causes all hazard indicators for that group to
flash. The audible alarm sounds at a 4-Hz rate.
Holding the HAZARD ALARM TEST push
button depressed and depressing the ALARM
This section describes the indicators and
ACK for the panel will cause all flashing lights
controls of the auxiliary control console (ACC).
to illuminate steadily and silence the audible
The ACC is located in the CCS, between the
alarm. Then the operator may release the
propulsion control console (PCC) and the EPCC.
The ACC is used to operate and monitor the
ACK again will extinguish all indicators not
status of a majority of the auxiliary systems in
actually in alarm and restore the circuits to
the engineering plant of the FFG-class ship. (See
normal operation.
fig. 9-21.) The following systems may be operated
Momentarily depressing a FAULT ALARM
or controlled from the ACC.
TEST switch will cause all hazard indicators for
that group to flash at a l-Hz rate. The audible
Machinery space ventilation
alarm sounds at a l-Hz rate. While holding
FAULT ALARM TEST depressed, the operator
Fuel filling, transfer, and purification
can depress the ALARM ACK for the panel to
cause the audible alarm to silence (indicators
remain flashing). The operator may then release
Chilled water circulating system
the FAULT ALARM TEST switch. Depressing
ALARM ACK again will extinguish all indicators
Waste heat water circulating system
not actually in alarm and restore the circuits to
normal operation.
Compressed air plants
After all fault and hazard tests have been
performed, use the LAMP TEST to check all
Main engines starting air system
indicator lights that were not tested during the
alarm tests. Perform these tests upon energizing
Air-conditioning and ship's stores refriger-
the console and at regular intervals during
ation plants