Figure 9-22.--ACC top panel.
Potable water system, including fill valves
MONITORING (A). This section monitors the
damage control system. The first indicator push
Distilling plants
button, labeled EMERGENCY CONDITION,
illuminates white to indicate an alarm condition
Masker, prairie/fin stabilizer, and bleed air
exists on the DCC. The second indicator push
button, labeled ALARM DISABLE, provides the
ACC operator with the option either to enable or
Sewage disposal system
disable the EMERGENCY CONDITION fault
Saltwater service system
The second section is labeled PARAMETERS
(B). It contains three identical digital displays
The ACC top panel is shown in figure 9-22.
consisting of a DDI, a set of three thumbwheels,
This panel has three digital displays used to
and a toggle switch. The number one digital
monitor any parameter having a DDI address.
display contains an additional toggle switch for
This panel also contains indicators that monitor
checking the high or low reset value of the selected
the console power status and provide panel
parameter. The first item in this section is the
monitoring and alarm testing. Refer to figure 9-22
digital display windows labeled VALUE. The
as we describe the following sections.
numerical value of the parameter selected by the
thumbwheels is displayed in these windows. A
second set of windows, labeled UNITS, display
the unit of measurement of the selected
The first section on the top panel, under the
parameter. The second item is a three-position
heading DAMAGE CONTROL, is labeled PANEL
toggle switch (digital display No. 1 only). The top