the indicator illuminates white to indicate power
water compression tank has dropped below the
is being supplied to the compressor. The bottom
preset limit.
portion of the indicator illuminates green to
indicate the compressor is running. The third
indicator, labeled COMPRESSOR AFTER
COOLER HIGH TEMP, illuminates red to
indicate the HP aftercooler temperature is above
the preset limit. The fourth indicator, labeled
nates red to indicate an automatic compressor
shutdown has occurred. The push-button switch,
The waste heat exchanger transfers heat
in the event of an emergency.
generated by the SSDG to the waste heat
water circulating system. The waste heat water
circulating system supplies heat to the fuel transfer
heaters, the fuel service heaters, the LO purifier
heater, the distilling plants, and the hot potable
water accumulator tank heating coil. The system
has four waste heat exchangers and four
circulating pumps. The pumps start and stop
automatically with the starting and stopping of
their associated SSDG. The circulating equipment
is located in the three AMRs and the engine room.
The system is designed for automatic start-up and
The LP air section of the ACC consists of five
unattended operation.
control indicator push buttons. The indicators and
Compressed Air Plants Section
controls in this section are functionally identical
to those discussed in the HP air section, except
The status of the HP air system and the LP
they are for the LP air compressor.
air system is provided by alarms and visual
indicators. Push buttons are provided to stop any
of the four compressors in an emergency. The
alarms alert the operator that the air receiver
pressure is low, when the HP system after-cooler
temperature is high, when the LP system dryer
discharge temperature is high, and when an
automatic compressor safety shutdown has
occurred. A split-type indicator shows when
power is being supplied to the compressor and
when the compressor is running.
There are two air plants. Each one has an HP
Main Engines Starting
air system and an LP air system. One of the air
Air System Section
plants is located in AMR No. 2 and the second
is located in AMR No. 3. Each of the four
The starting air compressors in the main
compressed air systems is provided with indicators
engine starting air system are designed for either
and a switch at the ACC. The systems are
local or remote start-up. This section provides
designed for local start-up and unattended
controls to allow the operator at the ACC to
operation. Since the two air plants are identical,
engage or disengage the compressor clutch. For
only one plant will be discussed.
the controls to be operational, the local clutch
The HP air section of the ACC consists of five
controller selector switch must be in the REMOTE
control indicator push buttons. The first indicator
position. This section also provides indication of
It illuminates red to indicate the HP air receiver
LO pressure and failure of the clutch to engage.
pressure is below the preset limit. The second
A meter provides a continuous reading of the air
split-legend indicator is labeled COMPRESSOR
discharge pressure.
ENABLED and RUNNING. The top portion of