The air-conditioning plants provide chilled
the console. The signal is also transmitted to the
water for the chilled water circulating system.
processor through the ACC. The processor
There are three air-conditioning plants. Each
compares the signal with the alarm set value to
plant can service a separate loop in the chilled
determine if an out-of-tolerance condition exists.
water system. Each plant has a rated capacity
If the condition does exist, the processor checks
of 80 tons of refrigeration. The plants are
the equipment fault alarm circuitry to determine
if the fault alarm has been actuated. If the
designed for local start-up and unattended
operation. One plant is located in the air-
processor detects an alarm condition not provided
conditioning machinery room and two are located
in AMR No. 2.
flashes and the parameter audible alarm sounds.
Ship's Stores Refrigeration
Plants Section
The status of the two ship's stores re-
frigeration plants is provided at the ACC
by visual indications and alarms. Push buttons
provide the operator with the capability of
Air-Conditioning Plants Section
stopping the compressors in an emergency.
An indicator provides the operating status of
The status of the three air-conditioning plants
is provided at the ACC by visual indicators and
an automatic safety shutdown occurs, when
alarms. Push buttons provide the capability for
the freeze room temperature is too high, or
stopping the air-conditioning compressors in an
when an abnormal chill room temperature is
detected (high or low).
The ACC vertical panel provides controls and
indicators for the three air-conditioning plants.
The first two indicator push buttons monitor
Since these controls and indicators are identical
the two chill rooms of the refrigeration plant. The
for each plant, only one air-conditioning plant will
indicators, labeled ABNORMAL TEMPER-
be discussed.
ATURE, illuminate red to indicate an abnormal
The first split-legend push-button indicator is
temperature in the chill room exists. (This
labeled ENABLED and RUNNING. The upper
temperature can be abnormally high or low.) The
portion of the indicator illuminates white to
third indicator is labeled HIGH TEMPER-
indicate power is being supplied to the air-
ATURE. It illuminates red to indicate a high
conditioning compressor. The lower portion of
temperature in the freeze room.
the indicator illuminates green to indicate the
compressor is running. The second indicator,
labeled AUTO SAFETY SHUTDOWN, illuminates
red to indicate an automatic air-conditioning
compressor shutdown has occurred. The push-
button switch, labeled EMERGENCY STOP,
allows the operator to stop the air-conditioning
compressor in the event of an emergency.
The next three indicator push buttons are
under the heading SHIP'S STORES REFR
CPRSR. The first indicator, labeled RUNNING,
illuminates green to indicate the refrigeration
compressor is running. The next indicator,
labeled AUTO SAFETY SHUTDOWN, illumi-
nates red to indicate an automatic refrigeration
push-button switch, labeled EMERGENCY