side of the panel. This push button is used to test
indicator, labeled HIGH SALINITY, illuminates
the lamps on the lower panel.
red to indicate the salinity of the distillate has
reached 0.065 equivalent parts per million (epm).
The fourth indicator, labeled STERILIZER
OUTLET LOW TEMP, illuminates red to indicate
the sterilizer outlet temperature has dropped to
Fill Valves Section
This section consists of four sets of indicator
and control push buttons for the fill valves of the
potable water tanks. Since each set is identical,
only one set of push buttons will be discussed.
The first split-legend indicator is labeled
OPEN and CLOSED. The top portion of the
indicator illuminates green to indicate the potable
The function of each distilling plant is to
water tank fill valve is open. The lower portion
supply fresh water for the ship's potable water
illuminates red to indicate the potable water tank
system. It also supplies untreated distilled water
fill valve is closed. The second split-legend push-
to the GT water wash system, the electronic
button switch allows control of the potable water
cooling water system, and the static frequency
tank motor-operated fill valve.
changers. There are two independent distilling
plants, each producing 4000 gallons of distilled
water per day. Both plants are located in AMR
No. 3.
Saltwater Service System Section
The status of the saltwater service system is
provided by meters and an alarm for firemain
Distilling Plants Section
pressure. Also, there are alarms for the seawater
cooling system pressure in the three AMRs, the
Alarms, lighted indicators, and a push button
engine room, and the air-conditioning machinery
are provided for monitoring and controlling the
operation of the distilling plants. The alarms alert
room. Push-button switches and lighted indicators
provide control and status of cooling water over-
the operator to a high or low temperature of the
board discharge valves in the engine room, AMR
distillate leaving the sterilizer and to a high
No. 2, and the air-conditioning machinery room.
distillate salinity condition. A lighted indicator
The first alarm indicator in this section is
provides the status of the three pumps associated
labeled PRESSURE FAILURE. It illuminates red
with each distilling plant. A push button allows
to indicate the cooling water pressure from the
remote operation of the plant's 3-way solenoid
firemain system has dropped to 110 psig. The
trip valve. Each distilling plant section on the
saltwater section of the ACC contains five
ACC contains four indicators and one control
PRESSURE FAILURE alarm indicators, all of
push button. The indicators and control for only
which function identically.
one plant will be discussed.
The first control push button is labeled
DUMP. It allows the operator to operate remotely
the distilling plant's dump valve. The first
indicator is labeled PRINCIPAL PUMPS RUN-
NING. This indicator illuminates green to indicate
the three pumps associated with the distilling
The first split-legend indicator in this section
plant are running. The second indicator is
is labeled OPEN and CLOSED. The top portion
of the indicator illuminates green to indicate the
It illuminates red to indicate the sterilizer outlet
overboard discharge valve is open. The bottom
temperature has reached 198F. The third