RUNNING. It illuminates green to indicate the
of the system circulating pumps. Alarms are
circulation pump is running.
provided to show three occurrences: (1) a
high waste heat exchanger outlet temperature
condition, (2) a high supplementary electric heater
outlet temperature condition, or (3) a low water
level in the system compression tank. You can
obtain indication of the waste heat system pressure
and the supplementary heaters outlet temperature
on the demand display.
The first three push buttons are indicators and
controls for the diesel engine waste heat system.
There are four identical sets of push buttons, one
set for each diesel engine. Since each set is
identical, only one set will be discussed.
The chilled water circulating system distributes
The first indicator is labeled HEAT EX-
fresh cooling water throughout the ship for
environmental control (air-conditioning), elec-
nates red to indicate the heat exchanger outlet
tronic equipment cooling, and bubbler drinking
temperature has exceeded the preset limit. The
water cooling. The system can be divided into
second push-button indicator control, labeled
three independent loops. Each loop operates in
CIRCULATE PUMP RUN, illuminates green to
conjunction with an air-conditioning plant. The
indicate the waste heat circulating pump is
circulating equipment for two loops is located in
running. The third push-button indicator control,
AMR No. 2. The equipment for the third loop
labeled CIRCULATE PUMP STOP, illuminates
is located in the air-conditioning machinery room.
red to indicate the waste heat circulating pump
The system is designed for local alignment, local
is stopped.
start-up, and unattended operation. This system
is normally configured in a closed loop with one
air-conditioning plant on line.
Lamp Tests
Two backlighted momentary-action LAMP
TEST push buttons are provided on the right-
hand side of the panel. These are used to test the
The next indicator is located under the heading
lamps on the vertical panel.
LET TEMP HIGH. It illuminates red to indicate
t h e supplementary electric heater outlet
temperature has exceeded the preset limit.
Waste Heat Water Circulating
Systems Section
This section contains the controls and alarms
The last push-button indicator in this section
that indicate the status of the major components
is located under the heading HOT WATER
in the waste heat water circulating system. Push-
COMPRESSION TANK. This indicator, labeled
button switches provide start and stop control
LOW LEVEL, illuminates red to indicate the hot