the operator's command (RUN/STOP) to sea-
to indicate the status/operator command (RUN/
water pump Nos. 1, 2, or 3.
STOP) to the respective pump.
HP AIR Section
This section is used to monitor the ship's
The HP AIR section is used to monitor
freshwater system and to provide start/stop
the ship's HP air system. It has seven alarm
control of the freshwater pumps. This section is
indicators and two status indicators. The
functionally identical on both the DD and CG
alarm/status indicators in this section are
consoles, but it is labeled slightly different.
functionally identical on both the DD and
It has four status indicatiors, five alarm
CG consoles, but they are labeled slightly
indicators, and two split-legend, push-button
different. Starting at the top of the column,
control indicators.
the first two alarm indicators monitor the
No. 1 compressor for a summary fault or
Starting at the top of the column, the
low discharge pressure. They illuminate red
first four status indicators monitor the high
if a summary fault condition or low dis-
(full) level of the four freshwater tanks.
charge pressure condition occurs on the No. 1
They illuminate green when a full condition
compressor. The next two alarm indicators
exists in their respective tank. The next four
alarm indicators monitor the low level of the
fault or low discharge pressure. They illuminate
four freshwater tanks. They illuminate amber
red if a summary fault condition or low
if a low-level condition exists in their respective
discharge pressure condition occurs on the
No. 2 compressor. The next three alarm
tank. The last alarm indicator monitors the
vital header pressure and illuminates amber
indicators monitor the two engine room flasks
when the freshwater system pressure is low.
for a low-pressure condition. They illuminate
Below the alarm indicators are the two split-
red if this condition occurs at either flask.
legend, push-button control indicators. They
The last two indicators are status indicators
are used to control the forward and aft pump
respectively. They illuminate either red or green